Gavaskar Slams Bowlers' Drink Breaks at Boundary Line

Gavaskar Slams Bowlers' Drink Breaks at Boundary Line

Sunil Gavaskar Raises Concerns Over Bowlers' Drink Breaks at Boundary Line

Legendary Indian cricketer Sunil Gavaskar has expressed his dissatisfaction with the modern practice of bowlers taking drink breaks at the boundary line after each over. He believes this habit provides an unfair advantage to bowlers compared to batters, who do not get the same opportunity to hydrate themselves during the game.

In a column for Sportstar, Gavaskar pointed out that the current practice goes against the established rule of drinks intervals. He argued that if bowlers are allowed to hydrate themselves after every over, there is no need for the designated drinks interval.

"Why have the drinks interval then if bowlers are going to get themselves hydrated after going flat out for six deliveries?" Gavaskar questioned. "Mind you, the batter doesn't get the chance to have a drink after an over where they may have taken eight runs or so, which are all runs."

Gavaskar believes that the ideal interval for drink breaks should be one hour of play. If there is a necessity for additional breaks, the umpire and the opposing team's captain should be consulted for their approval.

"Cricket is also a game where stamina and endurance matter no matter what the format is," he added. "So frankly, it should go back to the days when drinks were taken only after every hour of play and before that only with the permission of the opposition captain and umpires."

Gavaskar also criticized the practice of reserve players stepping onto the field to offer drinks to their teammates. He believes this should be prohibited and that the reserve player should remain outside the boundary line.

"The third umpire and match referee should also ensure that the reserve player does not step onto the field to offer a drink to his teammate but stays outside the boundary line," he said.

Gavaskar's concerns highlight the need for a fair and consistent approach to hydration breaks in cricket. By addressing this issue, the authorities can ensure that both bowlers and batters have equal opportunities to perform at their best.

Tags: #Cricket, #SunilGavaskar, #DrinkBreaks, #BowlersAdvantage, #FairPlay

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