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- #BangladeshTests
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Arjun Tendulkar Claims Maiden Five-Wicket Haul in First-Class Cricket
Arjun Tendulkar, the son of legendary Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, has achieved a significant milestone in his cricketing career by claiming his maiden five-wicket haul in first-class cricket. The 25-year-old left-arm seamer accomplished this feat during a Ranji Trophy Plate Division match against Arunachal Pradesh at the Goa Cricket Association Academy Ground in Porvorim.In his 17th first-class match, Arjun spearheaded the collapse of the Arunachal Pradesh batting lineup, finishing with impressive figures of 5 for 25 in 9 overs, including three maiden overs. His performance was crucial in restricting Arunachal Pradesh to a mere 84 runs in 31 overs.Arjun's bowling prowess was evident from the outset as he dismissed opener Nabam Hachang in the second over of the match. Despite brief resistance from Neelam Obi (22) and Chinmay Patil (3), Arjun struck twice in quick succession in the 12th over, further worsening the situation for the visitors.By the time Arjun completed his five-wicket haul, Arunachal were reeling at 36/5 in 17.1 overs. Arunachal skipper Nabam Abo top-scored with an unbeaten 25 from 25 balls, including five boundaries, but his efforts were not enough to prevent his team from being bowled out for a paltry total.Goa's bowling attack was further supported by Mohit Redkar (3/15) and Keith Mark Pinto (2/31), who helped wrap up the Arunachal innings. Before this match, Arjun had taken 32 wickets in 16 first-class matches, with his previous best being 4/49.In addition to his bowling, Arjun has also proven to be a capable batsman, scoring 532 runs at an average of 23.13, with a century and two half-centuries to his name. This performance marks an important milestone in Arjun's career as he continues to make strides in domestic cricket.
Arjun Tendulkar Shines with Nine-Wicket Haul in Pre-Season Tournament
Arjun Tendulkar, the son of legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, has made a strong statement ahead of the upcoming first-class season with a match-winning nine-wicket haul in Goa's innings and 189-run victory over hosts Karnataka in the Dr (Capt) K Thimmappiah Memorial Tournament.In the first innings, Karnataka was dismissed for a paltry 103, with Arjun claiming 5/41 in 13 overs. Goa then posted a formidable 413, thanks to a century from Abhinav Tejrana (109) and a solid 69 from Manthan Khutkar.In the second innings, KSCA XI showed some improvement but were eventually bowled out for 121, with Arjun taking 4/46 in 13.3 overs. His match haul of 9/87 in 26.3 overs was instrumental in Goa's comprehensive victory.Arjun, who will turn 25 next week, has now played 49 competitive games across three formats at the senior level, claiming 68 wickets. In 13 first-class matches, he has taken 21 wickets.Arjun's performance has drawn comparisons to his illustrious father, who is widely regarded as one of the greatest batsmen of all time. However, Arjun's journey has been marked by both challenges and opportunities.He has previously trained under former India player Yograj Singh, the father of Yuvraj Singh. Yograj has praised Arjun's potential but also emphasized the importance of proper guidance and support."Arjun Tendulkar came to you for training. How do you see his future?" Yograj was asked in an interview."Have you seen diamond in a coal mine? Woh Koyla hi hai..nikalo patthar hi hai, kisi tarashgir ke haath me dalo to chamak ke duniya ko kohinoor ban jata hai (It is coal that is rock when taken out from a mine, but if it is given in proper hands, it goes on to become Kohinoor. It is priceless. But if that same diamond reaches a person who does not know its worth, he destroys it. I don't say it myself that Yograj Singh is a great character, Yuvraj Singh says it, 'there is magic in my dad's hand, he made me what I am.' Earlier, I was abused 'Hitler, Dragon Singh, I hate my father'. Everybody hated me in my home. My relatives said, I should not have been a father," Yograj Singh replied."But he walked his path. And by God's Grace you got Yuvraj Singh."Arjun's performance in the Dr (Capt) K Thimmappiah Memorial Tournament suggests that he is on the right track. With his talent and determination, he has the potential to follow in his father's footsteps and make a significant impact on the cricketing world.
Yograj Singh: Instilling Fearlessness in Cricketers
Yograj Singh, the father of legendary cricketer Yuvraj Singh, is renowned for his unwavering determination and rigorous training methods. Despite his limited success as a player, Yograj's coaching prowess has shaped the careers of his son and other aspiring cricketers.Yograj's training academy has gained notoriety through social media videos that showcase his demanding approach. In a recent interview, he shared his philosophy on instilling fearlessness in his students."The fear of death should end," Yograj emphasized. He recounted a childhood experience where his father took him on a tiger hunt at the tender age of three. Despite his mother's apprehension, Yograj's father remained resolute, believing that the experience would forge a fearless spirit in his son."My father shot the tiger from six feet, and it fell like a mountain," Yograj recalled. "He made me sit on the tiger and smeared its blood on my lips and forehead. I still have that photo in my home."Yograj believes that his academy mirrors this experience. "I have made Yuvraj like that. Fearless," he said. "A tiger cub doesn't eat grass."Yograj's unwavering belief in the power of fearlessness has extended beyond his son. Sachin Tendulkar's son, Arjun, also trained under Yograj's tutelage. The academy's rigorous training regimen has produced numerous talented cricketers, including Yuvraj, who went on to become a World Cup winner.Yograj's coaching methods may be unconventional, but his unwavering determination and belief in the transformative power of fearlessness have undoubtedly shaped the careers of many aspiring cricketers.
Yograj Singh Blasts MS Dhoni, Compares Arjun Tendulkar to Diamond in Coal Mine
Yograj Singh, the former Indian cricketer and father of Yuvraj Singh, has recently made controversial statements about MS Dhoni and Kapil Dev. In an interview with the Switch YouTube channel, Yograj expressed his anger towards Dhoni, accusing him of mistreating his son."I won't forgive MS Dhoni. He should look at his face in the mirror. He is a very big cricketer, but what he has done against my son, everything is coming out now; it can never be forgiven in life," Yograj said.Yuvraj and Dhoni were teammates for over a decade in India colors, with Yuvraj serving as vice-captain to Dhoni at one point. However, a point of contention has often arisen from the fact that Dhoni was given the captaincy after Rahul Dravid in 2007, despite Yuvraj being the vice-captain to Dravid as well.Yograj Singh played a significant role in Yuvraj Singh's development as a cricketer, training him from a young age. He also trained Sachin Tendulkar's son, Arjun. When asked about Arjun's future, Yograj compared him to a diamond in a coal mine."Have you seen diamond in a coal mine? Woh Koyla hi hai..nikalo patthar hi hai, kisi tarashgir ke haath me dalo to chamak ke duniya ko kohinoor ban jata hai (It is coal that is rock when taken out from a mine, but if it is given in proper hands, it goes on to become Kohinoor. It is priceless. But if that same diamond reaches a person who does not know its worth, he destroys it," Yograj said.Yograj also spoke about the criticism he faced for his strict training methods. "Earlier, I ws abused 'Hitler, Dragon Singh, I hate my father'. Everybody hated me in my home. My relatives said, I should not have been a father," he said.Despite the criticism, Yograj's methods have produced results, with Yuvraj Singh becoming one of India's most successful cricketers. "But he walked his path. And by God's Grace you got Yuvraj Singh," Yograj said.
Arjun Tendulkar Makes IPL Debut for Mumbai Indians
Mumbai Indians' captain Hardik Pandya made a bold move by fielding Arjun Tendulkar, the son of legendary cricketer Sachin Tendulkar, in the team's final match of the IPL 2024 against Lucknow Super Giants. Arjun, who replaced star pacer Jasprit Bumrah in the final eleven, made his IPL debut in this match.Arjun, known for his curved run-up and a genuine outswinger, has the ability to swing the ball late and at a significant pace. Mumbai Indians recognized his all-around capabilities and signed him at the base price of Rs 20 lakh in the 2021 auctions. Ahead of the 15th season, Mumbai Indians retained Arjun for Rs. 30 lakhs.Arjun's journey from a young fan waving the MI flag in the stands to proudly donning the MI jersey is a testament to his enduring connection with the Blue and Gold. As the son of arguably the greatest cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar, and an icon of Mumbai Indians, Arjun has evolved into a dependable all-rounder.Tall, quick, and adept at both batting and bowling swing, Arjun initiated his domestic career with Mumbai before transitioning to Goa in 2022, where he assumed the role of leading the attack in first-class cricket.In his IPL debut, Arjun bowled two overs and conceded 18 runs without taking a wicket. However, his inclusion in the team is a significant moment for both Arjun and Mumbai Indians. It marks the beginning of a new chapter in Arjun's cricketing career and adds another layer to the legacy of the Mumbai Indians franchise.
Mumbai Indians Fall Short in Final IPL Encounter Against Lucknow Super Giants
Mumbai Indians (MI) and Lucknow Super Giants (LSG) faced off in their final Indian Premier League (IPL) encounter in Mumbai on May 17. MI opted to field first, with a notable change in their playing eleven: the inclusion of young seamer Arjun Tendulkar. Premier pacer Jasprit Bumrah was rested ahead of the T20 World Cup, while the injured Tilak Varma was replaced by Dewald Brevis.LSG also made a single change, bringing in Devdutt Padikkal for Quinton de Kock. The teams took to the field with the following lineups:Mumbai Indians:* Ishan Kishan (wk)* Naman Dhir* Suryakumar Yadav* Dewald Brevis* Hardik Pandya (c)* Nehal Wadhera* Romario Shepherd* Anshul Kamboj* Piyush Chawla* Arjun Tendulkar* Nuwan ThusharaLucknow Super Giants:* KL Rahul (c & wk)* Devdutt Padikkal* Marcus Stoinis* Deepak Hooda* Nicholas Pooran* Ayush Badoni* Krunal Pandya* Arshad Khan* Matt Henry* Ravi Bishnoi* Mohsin KhanThe match began with LSG posting a competitive total of 168/6 in their allotted 20 overs. KL Rahul led the charge with a brilliant 60 off 45 deliveries, while Marcus Stoinis contributed a valuable 38. For MI, Arjun Tendulkar made an impressive debut, picking up the wicket of Deepak Hooda in his first over.In response, MI struggled to chase down the target, eventually falling short by 36 runs. Ishan Kishan top-scored for MI with 26, while Suryakumar Yadav added 24. LSG's bowlers were in top form, with Ravi Bishnoi and Mohsin Khan claiming three wickets each.The victory secured LSG's place in the playoffs, while MI's hopes of reaching the knockout stage were dashed.
Lasith Malinga Inspires Young Mumbai Indians Bowlers with Exceptional Training Drill
Lasith Malinga, the legendary Sri Lankan fast bowler, is now imparting his wisdom to the next generation of bowlers as the bowling coach of Mumbai Indians. In a recent training session, Malinga organized a unique drill where young pacers, including Arjun Tendulkar, attempted to hit a single stump at the other end of the pitch. Despite their best efforts, none of the bowlers managed to hit the target.Undeterred, Malinga stepped up to the challenge and effortlessly hit the stump, showcasing his exceptional skills and experience. The video of this training session, shared by Mumbai Indians on Twitter, has garnered much attention.Malinga, who played exclusively for Mumbai Indians throughout his IPL career, is known for his remarkable bowling prowess. In 122 IPL matches, he claimed 170 wickets at an impressive average of 19.80 and an economical rate of 7.14.In the ongoing IPL season, Malinga has demonstrated that he still possesses the ability to deliver with the ball. Despite his retirement as a player, he remains an integral part of the Mumbai Indians franchise, guiding and mentoring the young bowlers.Mumbai Indians, the five-time IPL champions, recently secured their first win of the season against Delhi Capitals. In the process, they also achieved a historic milestone by registering their 150th win in T20 cricket, becoming the first team to reach this landmark.The Blue and Gold franchise achieved this feat at the Wankhede Stadium, where they have built a formidable reputation. Mumbai Indians managed to defend a target of 235 runs, thanks to some explosive batting from openers Rohit Sharma and Ishan Kishan, as well as Tim David and Romario Shepherd later in the innings.Delhi Capitals were restricted to 205/8 in their 20 overs, falling short of the target. Mumbai Indians' 150 wins in T20 cricket exclude victories in Super Overs following tied matches. Including matches played in the IPL and the now-defunct Champions League T20, MI has played 273 matches, winning 150, losing 117, and having two matches end in no result.Chennai Super Kings (CSK) is the second-most successful team in T20 cricket, with 148 victories. Overall, CSK has played 253 T20 matches, winning 148, losing 101, having two matches end in no result, and losing two matches in Super Overs after tied regular games.