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- #BangladeshTests
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Charlie Cassell Breaks ODI Debut Record with Sensational 7-Wicket Haul
Scotland's Charlie Cassell has etched his name into the history books by shattering the record for the best figures on ODI debut. In a remarkable performance against Oman in the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup League 2 match in Dundee, Cassell claimed an astonishing 7 for 21 in just 5.4 overs.The previous record was held by South Africa's Kagiso Rabada, who had taken 6 for 16 on his ODI debut against Bangladesh in 2015. Cassell's feat is even more impressive considering he was a late addition to the Scotland squad, replacing Chris Sole due to personal reasons.Cassell's journey to this historic moment has been marked by resilience and determination. After suffering a major injury that sidelined him for over a year, he has fought back to regain his form and earn his international debut.His captain, Richie Berrington, praised Cassell's unwavering spirit and exceptional talent. "You've come back from a huge setback, with that massive injury you had, put you out for a year and a bit," Berrington said. "Just to see your resilience coming back, getting back on the park, and just love watching what you do at Forfs [Forfashire], and just the way how you hold yourself is incredible."Cassell's debut performance was nothing short of sensational. He trapped Zeeshan Maqsood lbw and bowled Ayaan Khan with his first two deliveries, setting the tone for a dominant display. He missed out on a hat-trick but continued to wreak havoc, claiming the wickets of Khalid Kail and Shoaib Khan in quick succession.Mehran Khan and Pratik Athavale also fell victim to Cassell's lethal bowling, bringing him to the brink of history. With his seventh wicket, dismissing Bilal Khan behind the stumps, Cassell surpassed Rabada's record and became the first bowler to take seven wickets on ODI debut since Fidel Edwards in 2003.Cassell's heroics helped Scotland dismiss Oman for a paltry 91 in just 21.4 overs, setting up a comfortable victory for the hosts. His performance has not only earned him a place in the record books but has also boosted Scotland's hopes of qualifying for the 2023 Cricket World Cup.
England's World Cup Hopes on the Line in Oman Clash
England's World Cup hopes are hanging in the balance after a disappointing start to their campaign. With just one point from two matches, they face a must-win clash against Oman on Thursday. Captain Jos Buttler insists that the team's focus is solely on victory, and they will worry about net run-rate only if they earn the right to do so.England's opening match against Scotland was washed out, and they suffered a 36-run defeat to Australia in their second game. Scotland's subsequent thrashing of Oman has put them in a strong position, with a significant advantage in net run-rate.England have another must-win match against Namibia on Saturday, but their fate could be sealed before then. If Scotland and Australia close out the group stage with a narrow defeat for the Scots, England's hopes will be dashed.Buttler is determined to avoid such an ignominious exit, but he acknowledges the challenges ahead. England need to defeat Oman and Namibia by a combined margin of 117 runs or more to improve their net run-rate ahead of Scotland's.However, Australia's head coach, Andrew McDonald, has hinted that he may rest key players if they secure their Super Eights berth before the Scotland showdown. Additionally, NRR in the group stage is not carried over into the next round, which means Australia would have no incentive to stage a go-slow to eliminate England.Buttler insists that England will not be distracted by such permutations. He believes that the team needs to focus on winning the game against Oman and then assess their situation.Despite their poor start, Buttler remains confident in the team's ability. He admits that they were outplayed by Australia, but he believes that they have only played one-and-a-quarter games and still have plenty of cricket to play.Buttler is also unfazed by the growing frustration from England's fans. He understands that people care about the team and want them to perform well. However, he emphasizes that the team's focus is on their own performance and that they will make their fans happy if they play to their potential.
Oman to Ignore Australia's Star Power, Target Spin Weakness
Oman's captain, Aqib Ilyas, has urged his team to disregard the star-studded lineup of Australia when they face off in Barbados. Ilyas believes that Oman can challenge the reigning world champions with their spin attack.In a pre-match press conference, Ilyas emphasized the importance of treating the match like any other and not being intimidated by Australia's formidable reputation. He stressed that Oman should focus on their own strengths and not be overwhelmed by the names on the opposition team sheet."Once you step onto the field, there is no big name, there is no one bigger than you," Ilyas said. "It's another game for us, and we don't think we're going to play someone extraordinary."Ilyas acknowledged the talent of Australia's players but emphasized that Oman should not be intimidated. He believes that his team can exploit Australia's perceived weakness against spin bowling."You see the last match, how the ball was turning and staying low," Ilyas said. "[Australia] had a few good technique players [against spin] in the past like [Steven] Smith and [Marnus] Labuschagne, but I don't think they have many now. They look to hit big. Everyone tries to go for sixes, but every day is not the same day, and if the same wicket is there, maybe it can be a problem for them."From Australia's perspective, there is an element of the unknown in facing Oman for the first time. However, Travis Head, who will open the batting alongside David Warner, indicated that he would not be taking an overly intricate approach to his preparation."My [preparation] is pretty relaxed," Head said. "At some stage over the next day or maybe tonight, I'll have a quick look at some of the [Oman] guys. You'll get heaps of footage, but for me personally, I'll probably just watch a little bit in the warm-up, sort of try and get a rough idea on who's who."The match between Oman and Australia promises to be an intriguing contest, with both teams looking to make a statement in the tournament. Oman will be hoping to upset the odds and prove that they can compete with the world's best, while Australia will be aiming to extend their dominance across all formats of the game.
Aqib Ilyas Named Oman's New T20 World Cup Captain
Oman has appointed Aqib Ilyas as their new captain for the upcoming T20 World Cup in June. Ilyas takes over from Zeeshan Maqsood, who had led the team since 2016.The squad for the tournament has also been announced, with Shoaib Khan being the only new addition from the side that participated in the ACC Premier Cup 2024 in April. Opening batter Jatinder Singh and legspinner Samay Shrivastav have been named as reserves.Kashyap Prajapati and Naseem Khushi are expected to open the batting, with Ilyas and Maqsood following at No. 3 and 4 respectively. Wicketkeeper Pratik Athavale and Ayaan Khan will provide middle-order support.Bilal Khan, known for his lethal yorkers, will lead the bowling attack, which also includes right-arm pacers Kaleemullah and Fayyaz Butt, and left-arm fingerspinner Shakeel Ahmad. Ilyas and Maqsood can also contribute with the ball.Speaking about his appointment, Ilyas said, "I am truly honored to be entrusted with the captaincy. It's a huge responsibility, and I aim to lead the team to many victories. We are preparing rigorously for the World Cup, and the recent ACC Premier Cup has provided us with invaluable preparation."Oman will be hoping to improve on their performance in the 2022 T20 World Cup, where they failed to qualify for the group stage. They are placed in Group B for the upcoming edition, alongside Australia, England, Namibia, and Scotland. Their campaign begins against Namibia on June 2 in Barbados.