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- #BangladeshTests
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NY Lagos Strikers Triumph with Consecutive Wins in Zim Afro T10
NY Lagos Strikers Dominate Zim Afro T10 with Consecutive WinsThe NY Lagos Strikers have made a resounding start to their Zim Afro T10 tournament campaign, securing two consecutive victories against formidable opponents. Their impressive performances have been spearheaded by the exceptional batting of Rassie van der Dussen, who has delivered two consecutive half-centuries.In their opening match against the Bulawayo Brave Jaguars, van der Dussen played a pivotal role in the Strikers' victory, scoring a solid 51 runs. His innings was characterized by a strong partnership with Avishka Fernando, who contributed 39 runs to their 79-run stand. This partnership proved crucial in turning the tide of the match in favor of the Strikers.Van der Dussen continued his impressive form in the second match against the Jo'Burg Bangla Tigers, notching up an unbeaten 81 runs off just 32 balls. His innings featured an astonishing eight sixes and four boundaries, showcasing his aggressive batting style. This performance was instrumental in securing another victory for the NY Lagos Strikers.Speaking about his consecutive half-centuries, van der Dussen emphasized the importance of getting off to a good start and putting pressure on the opposition. He also praised the team's opening partnership with Fernando, which has been a key factor in their success."I think it's pretty similar like any other T10 format, it's ten overs so we look to get off to a good start and then once you find that rhythm it becomes important to put your opposition under pressure," said van der Dussen. "We have a nice opening pairing so Avishka and myself had a pretty good start again and from then on, we knew we could keep the pressure on the Bulawayo Brave Jaguars."The NY Lagos Strikers' success has also been attributed to their strong bowling attack, which has restricted their opponents to low scores. Thisara Perera, a member of the Strikers, expressed his satisfaction with the team's performance and emphasized the importance of continuing their winning streak."Actually, I know when are winning two games, it's a good feeling you know. As a team we did really well, we also had good practice sessions. So we are on the right track, so we need to continue our good performance in the future also," said Perera.The NY Lagos Strikers will look to maintain their winning momentum in their upcoming matches as they aim to secure a place in the playoffs. Their impressive start to the tournament has established them as one of the favorites to lift the trophy.
Zimbabwe's Raza Hopes Local Stars Shine in Zim Afro T10
Australian batting maestro David Warner has set his sights on amassing runs at the Harare Sports Club in the upcoming Zim Afro T10 tournament. However, Zimbabwean captain Sikandar Raza hopes that a local player will outshine the international stars.Raza, who was impressed by the quality of cricket in the inaugural edition, believes that the second season will be even more exciting with the addition of international players like Warner, Dawid Malan, James Neesham, and Colin Munro."We have attracted a lot more international cricketers, with the likes of David Warner, one of the main signings of the season this year," said Raza. "This is going to be a very exciting tournament for sure."However, Raza's primary goal is for a Zimbabwean player to excel in the tournament. "I'm really hoping and praying that it's a Zimbabwean who scores the most number of runs, takes the most number of catches, and takes the most number of wickets," he said. "The growth for Zimbabwean cricket in this tournament is very crucial."While Warner is a major signing, pacer Blessing Muzarabani is the only Zimbabwean to be named a Global Icon for the NYS Lagos. Raza expressed his pride in Muzarabani's achievement."Certainly, very happy with that," said Raza. "Blessing has done really well over the past year and he has suddenly earned that right to be a Global Icon as well. As long as there is Zimbabwean representation, it makes me happy."Raza, who was a standout performer in the inaugural edition, is determined to contribute to his team's success. "The mentality is the same: to win the trophy," he said. "Cricket is a team game, but filled with individual brilliance, and if I can contribute for the success of the team, it will go a long way."Raza also encouraged young Zimbabwean players to learn from the international stars. "Enjoy as much as you can, and learn and grow as much as you can," he said. "Try and spend as much time as you can with the overseas players that are here, because they only here for 9-10 days. Try and learn as much as you can and you'll see that you can take this learning in your personal growth and that will help you to become a better cricketer."Raza believes that the T10 format has the potential to grow the sport and even make it an Olympic event. "T10 is a format that can definitely take cricket to the Olympic Games," he said.
Zim Afro T10 League: Warner, Neesham, Ali, Brathwaite Headline Direct Signings
The second season of the Zim Afro T10 league is set to commence from September 21 to 29 in Harare, Zimbabwe. Ahead of the draft scheduled for September 8, the six participating franchises have announced their direct signings, featuring a host of international superstars.Bulawayo Braves Jaguars have secured the services of Australian opener David Warner and West Indian all-rounder Carlos Brathwaite as their icon and global superstar, respectively. Cape Town Samp Army has signed up England's David Willey and Dawid Malan, Afghanistan's Gulbadin Naib and Qais Ahmed.Durban Wolves have acquired the services of New Zealand's Colin Munro and Mark Chapman, along with Pakistan's Yasir Shah. Zimbabwe's Blessing Muzarabani has been signed by New York Strikers Lagos, while Bangladesh's Rishad Hossain will join Harare Bolts alongside New Zealand's James Neesham and Sri Lanka's Dasun Shanaka.Harare Bolts also boasts the presence of George Munsey (Scotland), Shehan Jayasuriya (Sri Lanka), and Kennar Lewis (West Indies). Bulawayo Braves Jaguars have added Nick Hobson and Kobe Herft (both Australia) to their squad. Durban Wolves have signed Will Smeed (England), Sharjeel Khan (Pakistan), Muhammad Irfan (Pakistan), and Yasir Shah (Pakistan).Cape Town Samp Army has secured the services of Haider Ali (Pakistan), Adam Rossington (England), and Shahnawaz Dahani (Pakistan). NYS Lagos has signed Asif Ali (Pakistan), Najibullah Zadran (Afghanistan), Binura Fernando (Sri Lanka), Akhilesh Bogudum (USA), and Oshane Thomas (West Indies).Jo'Burg Bangla Tigers have acquired the services of Chris Lynn (Australia), Kusal Perera (Sri Lanka), Charith Asalanka (Sri Lanka), Hazratullah Zazai (Afghanistan), Adam Milne (New Zealand), Luke Wood (England), and Karim Janat (Afghanistan).The Zim Afro T10 league will be followed by the second season of the US Masters League, Abu Dhabi T10, and the inaugural Lanka T10, which will conclude the season in December.