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- #GovernmentInterference
NADA Issues Notice to Vinesh Phogat for Whereabouts Failure
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has issued a notice to wrestler Vinesh Phogat for whereabouts failure. The notice, served on Wednesday, seeks an explanation from Phogat within 14 days.As a member of NADA's Registered Testing Pool (RTP), Phogat is required to provide details of her availability for dope tests. If she fails to provide accurate information or is not present at the specified location and time, it is considered a whereabouts failure.According to the notice, Phogat was not available for a dope test on September 9 at her residence in Kharkhoda village, Sonepat. The NADA notice states, "You are hereby given a formal notice to notify you about apparent failure to comply with the whereabouts requirements of the ADR, and to invite you to make any comments before we come to a final decision on the matter."Phogat has the option to accept the failure or provide evidence that she was present at the specified location for approximately 60 minutes. It is important to note that a single whereabouts failure does not constitute an anti-doping rule violation. However, three whereabouts failures within a 12-month period can lead to charges against an athlete.Phogat's whereabouts failure comes at a time when she is actively involved in politics. She recently joined the Congress party and is contesting the upcoming Haryana Assembly election from Julana constituency.
Bajrang Punia Challenges NADA Suspension in Delhi High Court
Wrestler Bajrang Punia Challenges NADA Suspension in Delhi High CourtWrestler Bajrang Punia has filed a petition in the Delhi High Court challenging his suspension by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA). The suspension stems from Punia's refusal to provide a urine sample for a dope test during selection trials in March.Punia's counsel argued that the suspension is arbitrary and violates his fundamental rights. He claimed that NADA failed to follow proper testing protocols and that Punia had legitimate reasons for refusing the test. The counsel also highlighted the upcoming Senior World Wrestling Championships in Albania and urged the court to grant an interim relief to allow Punia to participate.NADA's counsel defended the suspension, stating that a disciplinary panel is investigating the matter and that Punia is not being targeted. The counsel emphasized that athletes cannot refuse dope tests and that NADA is committed to ensuring fair play.The court questioned Punia on his refusal to submit a sample, highlighting the importance of testing for the integrity of the sport. However, the court also acknowledged Punia's concerns and directed NADA to file a response to the petition.Punia's suspension has sparked controversy, with many questioning the timing and fairness of the decision. The wrestler has been a vocal critic of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) and has alleged sexual harassment by its former chief.The outcome of the court case will have significant implications for Punia's career and the future of anti-doping in Indian sports.
Pakistani Wrestler Ali Asad Stripped of Commonwealth Games Bronze for Doping
Pakistani wrestler Ali Asad has been stripped of his bronze medal from the 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games after testing positive for performance-enhancing drugs. The Pakistan Wrestling Federation confirmed the four-year ban and medal revocation following an investigation by the International Testing Agency (ITA).Asad's positive test was confirmed by the ITA, prompting the ruling this week. The wrestler waived his right to a hearing and failed to respond to the allegations within the stipulated deadline.This incident adds to a growing list of doping bans faced by Pakistani athletes in recent years. In May 2023, the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) imposed four-year bans on four Pakistani weightlifters for anti-doping violations. Abdur Rehman, Sharjeel Butt, Ghulam Mustafa, and Farhan Amjad were suspended for refusing to provide samples to the ITA in November 2021.Despite appealing to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), the suspensions were upheld. Top weightlifters Olympian Talha Talib and Abu Bakar Ghani also received two-year bans for using banned substances. Talib, who placed fifth in the Tokyo Olympics, remains banned until February 2025.The Pakistan Wrestling Federation and the IWF have expressed concern over the increasing number of doping cases involving Pakistani athletes. They have emphasized the importance of adhering to anti-doping regulations and promoting clean sport.The use of performance-enhancing drugs not only violates the principles of fair play but also poses significant health risks to athletes. The authorities are committed to combating doping and ensuring the integrity of sports competitions.
Indian Race Walker Bhawna Jat Banned for 16 Months for Whereabouts Failures
Indian race walker Bhawna Jat has been handed a 16-month ban by the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) for whereabouts failures. The ban, which commenced on August 10, 2023, will end on December 10, 2024.Bhawna's suspension stems from her failure to provide accurate whereabouts information and missed doping tests. Under NADA's Registered Testing Pool (RTP) program, athletes are required to submit their whereabouts quarterly and provide a 60-minute time slot for testing.Bhawna failed to appear for two doping tests in May and June 2023 and was also reported for one filing failure in the last quarter of 2022. She attributed the filing failure to technical issues with the mobile application and losing her phone.The Anti-Doping Disciplinary Panel (ADDP) made the decision to suspend Bhawna under Article 2.4 of the NADA Rules on July 10, 2024. The suspension prevented her from competing at the World Athletics Championships 2023 in Budapest, Hungary.Bhawna, 28, is a former national record holder in the women's 20km race walk and competed at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Her suspension is a significant setback for her career and highlights the importance of adhering to anti-doping regulations.
Nigerian Boxer Suspended from Paris Olympics for Doping Violation
Nigerian boxer Cynthia Temitayo Ogunsemilore's Olympic dreams have been shattered after she was suspended for violating anti-doping regulations. The International Testing Agency (ITA) announced on Saturday that a sample collected from Ogunsemilore on Thursday, a day before the Paris Olympics opening ceremony, tested positive for furosemide, a banned diuretic and masking agent.Furosemide is prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) as it can be used to reduce weight or mask the presence of other performance-enhancing substances. The 22-year-old Ogunsemilore, who was set to make her Olympic debut in the under 60 kg category on Monday, has been provisionally suspended until the resolution of the matter.The ITA stated that Ogunsemilore has been informed of the case and has the right to challenge her suspension at the Court of Arbitration for Sport. She can also request an analysis of the B sample.Ogunsemilore's suspension marks the third doping case at the Paris Olympics. Iraqi judoka Sajjad Sehen tested positive for anabolic steroids, while Dominican volleyball player Lisvel Eve Mejia also tested positive for furosemide.The ITA's swift action in detecting and suspending athletes for doping violations sends a strong message that the use of performance-enhancing substances will not be tolerated at the Olympics. It also highlights the importance of maintaining a level playing field and protecting the integrity of the Games.Ogunsemilore's suspension is a major setback for the Nigerian boxing team and a reminder that the fight against doping in sports remains an ongoing battle. It is crucial for athletes to adhere to anti-doping regulations and prioritize fair play and ethical competition.
Iraqi Judoka Fails First Doping Test of Paris 2024 Olympics
Iraqi Judoka Fails First Doping Test of Paris 2024 OlympicsThe International Testing Agency (ITA) has confirmed the first positive doping test of the 2024 Paris Olympics, involving Iraqi judoka Sajjad Sehen. The athlete tested positive for banned anabolic steroids methandienone and boldenone during an out-of-competition anti-doping control in Paris.The ITA revealed that Sehen's sample "returned an adverse analytical finding for the non-specified prohibited substances metandienone and boldenone." Both drugs are prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). The sample was collected on Tuesday and the result was reported by the WADA-accredited laboratory of Paris on Thursday.The 28-year-old Sehen, a first-time Olympian, was scheduled to compete in the men's 81-kilogram class next week. However, he has been provisionally suspended until the resolution of the matter."This means that the athlete is prevented from competing, training, coaching, or participating in any activity during the Olympic Games Paris 2024," the ITA statement said.Herda Raouf, the manager of Iraq's delegation, stated that Sehen and his coach will be questioned by doping chiefs on Saturday. Raouf suggested that Sehen may have taken medication due to a recent surgical operation.Sehen has the right to challenge his provisional suspension at the Court of Arbitration for Sport and can also request an analysis of the B sample. The ITA manages an independent anti-doping program for the Paris Olympics on behalf of the International Olympic Committee.This incident highlights the importance of anti-doping measures in ensuring fair play and protecting the integrity of the Olympic Games. The ITA's swift action in detecting and reporting the positive test sends a strong message that doping will not be tolerated.
Bajrang Punia Suspended Again by NADA for Refusing Dope Test
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has once again suspended Olympic medalist Bajrang Punia for refusing to provide a urine sample for a dope test. This is the second time NADA has suspended Punia, after revoking his initial suspension on May 31st due to a lack of a "notice of charge."On April 23rd, NADA suspended Punia for refusing to give a urine sample during the selection trials held in Sonepat on March 10th. The World Governing body UWW also suspended him. Punia appealed the provisional suspension, and NADA's Anti-Disciplinary Doping panel (ADDP) revoked it on May 31st until NADA issued the notice of charge.On Sunday, NADA served the notice to Punia, stating that he is being charged with violating Article 2.3 of the National Anti-Doping Rules, 2021. Punia has until July 11th to request a hearing or accept the charge.Punia has maintained that he never refused to give a sample but only demanded to know NADA's response to his email where he sought an answer to why expired kits were sent to take his samples in December 2023.NADA explained that the chaperone/DCO had approached Punia and informed him that he was required to provide a urine sample. Despite several requests, Punia refused, stating that he would not provide the sample unless NADA replied to his email regarding the expired kits.NADA made it clear that if the Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV) is upheld, it will seek "disqualification of results in the event during which the ADRV occurred, commission of the ADRV with all resulting consequences including forfeiture of any medals, points and prizes." NADA may also recover financial costs associated with the ADRV or impose a fine.
NADA Lifts Provisional Suspension on Bajrang Punia
The National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) has lifted the provisional suspension imposed on Olympic bronze medalist Bajrang Punia, who had refused to provide a urine sample after the selection trials in March. The Disciplinary Panel (ADDP) of NADA revoked the suspension until NADA issues a formal Notice of Charge to Punia.Punia had challenged the provisional suspension through his lawyers, arguing that he did not refuse to provide a sample but merely requested an explanation from NADA regarding an expired kit used to collect his sample in December 2023.The ADDP order stated that the provisional suspension was revoked "at this stage when Notice of Charge is yet to be issued to the Athlete." The panel emphasized that it had not yet considered the merits of Punia's explanations or the counter-arguments presented by NADA.Punia's refusal to provide a sample stemmed from his dissatisfaction with NADA's handling of his previous request for clarification on the expired kit. He had expressed concerns about the integrity of the sample collection process and the potential impact on his reputation.The ADDP's decision to lift the provisional suspension allows Punia to resume training and competition while NADA completes its investigation. The agency is expected to issue a Notice of Charge if it believes there is sufficient evidence to support a violation of anti-doping rules.Punia's case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in anti-doping procedures. Athletes have the right to question the integrity of the testing process and to seek clarification on any concerns they may have. NADA, in turn, has the responsibility to ensure that its protocols are fair and consistent, and that athletes are treated with respect.
NADA Cracks Down on Dope Cheaters at Delhi Athletics Meet
National Anti-Doping Agency Cracks Down on Dope Cheaters at Delhi State Athletics MeetOn a sweltering morning, the National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) launched a surprise raid at the Delhi State Summer Athletic Meet at the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, sending shockwaves through the participating athletes.The presence of NADA dope testers caused a stir, with one medallist in the shot put boys' U-18 event attempting to evade officials by fleeing around the stadium. Another shot putter in the girls U-18 category also managed to escape.Undeterred, the NADA team continued its mission, collecting samples from medallists and randomly selecting athletes for testing. The heightened scrutiny led to an unusually high number of athletes withdrawing from their respective events.In the boys (U-18) 1000m run, 17 athletes failed to finish the race, while 10 others did not even start. The boys (U-18) 400m competition saw nine withdrawals, while the men's 400m run had seven athletes pulling out.The throwing events were also affected, with five athletes withdrawing from the boys U18 shot put event and three from the men's shot put. In men's javelin, four out of nine competitors pulled out."These are unusually high numbers of athletes withdrawing from events," said an official at the venue. "It's clear that the presence of dope testers has had an impact."The result of the shot putter who fled without giving his samples has been withheld. Suspicious syringes were also discovered scattered in the stadium's washrooms.The Delhi Athletics Association (DAA) has implemented a new policy requiring athletes to provide the names of their coaches, who will face punishment if their athletes are suspended for doping.This crackdown comes in the wake of India recording the highest number of doping offenders in the world in 2022, according to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). India tested 3,865 samples during that period, with 125 returning Adverse Analytical Findings (AAFs).NADA's recent raids and the DAA's new policy are part of a concerted effort to combat doping in Indian athletics. The aim is to ensure fair competition and protect the integrity of the sport.