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BFI Joins World Boxing to Secure Boxing's Olympic Future
The Boxing Federation of India (BFI) has made a significant move by joining World Boxing, a breakaway organization from the suspended International Boxing Association (IBA). This decision aims to safeguard the future of boxing in the Olympics, as the IOC has threatened to exclude the sport from the 2028 Los Angeles Games if national federations continue to align with the IBA.BFI President Ajay Singh emphasized the importance of retaining boxing's Olympic status, stating, "It is absolutely vital to the sustainability of boxing that it retains its Olympics status, so we are delighted to join World Boxing." He expressed his eagerness to collaborate with the WB Executive Board to shape the sport's future and provide a brighter outlook for boxers worldwide.World Boxing, led by former IBA presidential candidate Boris van der Vorst, was established in April 2023 with the goal of ensuring boxing's place in the Olympic movement. The BFI's membership application was approved by its General Assembly and will be ratified by World Boxing's Executive Board.Van der Vorst welcomed the BFI's decision, acknowledging India's significance in international boxing. He stated, "India is a very important country in international boxing and we look forward to welcoming the BFI into the growing World Boxing family. This is a very exciting development which will significantly increase our presence in Asia and I look forward to working closely with the BFI in delivering our common goals."On May 7, WB held its first formal meeting with the IOC, marking the beginning of a collaboration aimed at establishing a pathway for boxing to remain in the Olympic Games. The IOC had de-recognized the IBA in 2019 due to ongoing financial, sports integrity, and governance issues.As a result, boxing at the 2024 Paris Olympics will be overseen by the IOC, marking the second consecutive time that the IBA will have no involvement in the sport at the mega-event.
Parveen Hooda's Olympic Hopes Crushed by Whereabouts Failure
India's Olympic medal hopes have suffered a significant setback with the provisional suspension of World Championships bronze medalist Parveen Hooda for Whereabouts Failure. The 26-year-old boxer has accumulated three such failures within a year, violating WADA regulations.Hooda's suspension, which carries a potential two-year ineligibility, has left the Boxing Federation of India (BFI) scrambling for solutions. The federation is in constant communication with the International Boxing Association (IBA) to explore options for reducing the sanction or overturning it altogether. However, there is no precedent for such a reversal.Even if the suspension is reduced to one year, Hooda will lose her Olympic quota in the 57kg category. The berth will likely be awarded to 60kg pugilist Jaismine Lamboria, who has been asked to prepare for the World Olympic Qualifiers in Bangkok.Hooda's coach, Sudhir Hooda, expressed disappointment and frustration, stating that repeated reminders about whereabouts updates were ignored. The BFI has remained tight-lipped on the issue, but secretary general Hemanta Kalita indicated that they are exploring all possible channels to mitigate the situation.Parveen's absence from the Elorda Cup in Kazakhstan, where she was initially listed, raised suspicions about her status. The Asian Games bronze medalist is currently at her home in Rohtak, Haryana.The Whereabouts Failure violation highlights the importance of athletes adhering to anti-doping regulations. Athletes in the Registered Testing Pool are required to provide accurate and timely information about their location to facilitate out-of-competition testing. Failure to do so can result in severe consequences, as Parveen has unfortunately discovered.
Cuban Coach Fernandez Advocates for Trials in Indian Boxing Selection
Cuban boxing coach Blas Iglesias Fernandez, a veteran of three decades in Indian boxing, has expressed his support for the Boxing Federation of India's (BFI) decision to revert to trials for boxer selection. Fernandez, who has witnessed the highs and lows of Indian boxing, believes that trials are a fairer and more transparent method.Fernandez, who has been appointed as the high-performance coach for the National Boxing Academy (NBA) in Rohtak, criticized the previous evaluation-based selection system implemented by former High Performance Director Bernard Dunne. He argued that the evaluation method was "needless" and did not provide a complete picture of a boxer's abilities."We must return to the system of trials, it was more fair and transparent and left no scope for ambiguity," Fernandez said. "Given a chance, I would like to propose some changes to the selection criteria. We need to ditch the system of evaluation as it doesn't present a complete picture."Fernandez, the only foreigner to receive the Dronacharya Award for coaching excellence, expressed surprise that Dunne was given a free hand to implement his selection policy. He believes that Dunne's changes were not in the best interests of Indian boxing."He took over the reins when India was among the top 15-20 nations in men's boxing. He came in and went about changing everything, which is not the way to go. I am surprised he was allowed to do this. The policy of no selection trials looks good on paper but practically it means nothing. The No.3 boxer can become No.1 in this process," Fernandez said.Fernandez is now focused on preparing a plan for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. He believes that widening the core group by adding more youth boxers is crucial for creating a strong supply line."That's how you create a supply line," he reasoned. "As of now, the senior camp has three boxers per weight class and Fernandez wants to double that. I have started the phase of talent identification for 2028. We need more age-group events and more youth boxers in NBA. Ideally, we need 4-6 boxers in each weight category."Fernandez backed former world No.1 Amit Panghal to win a medal in Paris if he qualifies. "I think Amit and Nishant Dev have the best chance to qualify. Amit is a medal contender since he is very sharp at reading opponents. He is mature and has a good all-round game. Amit and (woman’s world champion) Nikhat Zareen are what I call universal boxers. If they are in form, they can come back with a medal from Paris."