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Eiffel Tower Regains Familiar Form, Olympic Rings Debate Continues
The Eiffel Tower, an iconic symbol of Paris, has regained its familiar appearance after workers removed the Olympic rings that adorned it during the 2024 Summer Games. However, the debate over the rings' future continues, with Mayor Anne Hidalgo proposing their return as a tribute to the successful Olympics.The 30-tonne steel rings, installed in June, were removed in the early hours of Friday using multiple large cranes. They will be melted down and recycled. Hidalgo's proposal to erect new, lighter rings has sparked controversy, with descendants of the tower's designer, Gustave Eiffel, and conservation groups expressing opposition.Initially suggesting the rings be permanent, Hidalgo has since proposed they remain until the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles. Deputy Paris Mayor Pierre Rabadan stated that the new rings, funded by the International Olympic Committee, would be less prominent than the originals.Some Parisians support the idea of replacing the rings, seeing them as a reminder of the city's Olympic triumph. However, others believe the tower should be preserved in its original form, free from advertising. Culture Minister Rachida Dati has also expressed concerns about the proposal's impact on the tower's historic status.Beyond the Olympic rings, Hidalgo aims to retain other symbols of the Games, such as the cauldron at the Louvre and statues of women in the Seine. However, conservation groups urge the city to prioritize maintenance of the Eiffel Tower, which has faced issues with disrepair.The removal of the Olympic rings marks a return to normalcy for the Eiffel Tower, but the debate over their future is far from over. Hidalgo's proposal to reinstall them as a tribute to the Olympics remains a contentious issue, balancing the desire to commemorate a historic event with the preservation of a beloved landmark.
Parisian Volunteer Enchants Spectators at Eiffel Tower Olympic Venue
Joévin Burnel, a lifelong Parisian, has witnessed the Eiffel Tower countless times. Yet, the iconic structure continues to captivate him, especially during the Olympic Games. As a spectator experience volunteer at the Stade de Tour Eiffel, Burnel has spent countless hours at the venue, marveling at the beach volleyball matches and the breathtaking sunsets."It's magical," Burnel enthuses. "This is the best sports venue in the world, and it's right in my city." Despite not playing beach volleyball himself, Burnel is captivated by its fast-paced action and the vibrant atmosphere surrounding the temporary stadium.Burnel's Olympic experience has been enriched by the success of French swimmer Leon Marchand. However, he expresses a tinge of regret at not having collected any Olympic pins. "Everyone in the media tribune has so many pins," he says, pointing to his empty lanyard.Despite the long hours and physical demands of his volunteer role, Burnel remains enthusiastic. "I'm tired, but I'm happy," he says. "This has been an incredible experience."Burnel's passion for the Olympics and his love for Paris are evident in his dedication to providing a memorable experience for spectators. He believes that the Stade de Tour Eiffel is a testament to the city's ability to host world-class sporting events.As the Olympic Games draw to a close, Burnel reflects on the unforgettable moments he has shared at the Eiffel Tower. The magic of the structure, the excitement of the beach volleyball matches, and the camaraderie among volunteers have created memories that will last a lifetime.
Eiffel Tower Evacuated as Man Scales Landmark Before Olympics Closing
Eiffel Tower Evacuated as Man Scales Landmark Ahead of Olympics Closing CeremonyParisian authorities swiftly evacuated the area surrounding the iconic Eiffel Tower on Sunday afternoon after a shirtless man was spotted scaling the 330-meter (1,083-foot) structure. The incident occurred just hours before the scheduled closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.The man's ascent was first noticed around 3 pm, with witnesses reporting seeing him above the Olympic rings adorning the second section of the tower. It remains unclear where he began his climb, but he was spotted just above the first viewing deck.Police immediately cordoned off the area and escorted visitors away from the tower. Some visitors who were briefly trapped on the second floor were allowed to exit approximately 30 minutes later.The Eiffel Tower served as a prominent backdrop during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, with renowned singer Celine Dion performing from one of its viewing areas. However, it was not expected to play a role in the closing ceremony, which was set to take place at the Stade de France in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis at 9 pm.The incident occurred as the Olympic competition drew to a close, and security services in Paris and beyond were shifting their focus to the closing ceremony. Over 30,000 police officers were deployed throughout Paris on Sunday, with approximately 3,000 officers mobilized around the Stade de France. An additional 20,000 police troops and security personnel were deployed in Paris and the Saint-Denis area to ensure safety on the final day of the Games.
Paris Olympics 2024: Iconic Landmarks to Host Unforgettable Events
The Paris Olympics 2024 promises to be a spectacle like no other, showcasing the City of Light in all its glory. With events taking place at iconic landmarks and venues across France, the Games will offer a unique and unforgettable experience for athletes and spectators alike.Eiffel Tower:The iconic Eiffel Tower will serve as the backdrop for beach volleyball, with a temporary venue set up at its base. The "Iron Lady" has become a symbol of Paris and a beloved tourist destination, attracting millions of visitors each year.Grand Palais:The opulent Grand Palais, a glass-and-steel masterpiece, will host fencing and taekwondo competitions. Its vast exhibition space and distinctive glass domed roof will provide a stunning setting for these dynamic sports.Place de la Concorde:The historic Place de la Concorde, once the site of the French Revolution, will transform into an urban sports hub. Skateboarding, 3x3 basketball, BMX freestyle, and breakdancing will take center stage on this elegant square by the Seine River.Palace of Versailles:The sprawling grounds of the Palace of Versailles, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will host equestrian events, including dressage, showjumping, and cross country. The palace's magnificent gardens and opulent architecture will provide a breathtaking backdrop for these equestrian competitions.Marseille:Beyond Paris, the Olympics will extend to the vibrant city of Marseille. Sailing contests will take place in the Mediterranean waters off the city's scenic Corniche coastal road. Marseille will also host 10 football matches, adding to the excitement of the Games.
Paris Olympics 2024: A Seine-sational Opening Ceremony and Diverse Venues
The 2024 Paris Olympics, scheduled for July 26-August 11, promises to be a spectacle like no other. For the first time in Olympic history, the opening ceremony will not take place in a stadium but will instead embark on a captivating journey along the iconic Seine River.Over 200 delegations of athletes will grace the river in an armada of boats, traversing six kilometers before reaching the Pont d'Lena near the Eiffel Tower. The culmination of the ceremony will unfold at the Champions Park, a temporary stadium erected in front of the Trocadero by the Eiffel Tower. French President Emmanuel Macron will officially declare the Games open, marking the commencement of the sporting extravaganza.The Paris Olympics will feature a diverse array of venues, each offering a unique backdrop for the athletes' performances. From the historic Chateau de Versailles to the modern Paris La Defense Arena, the venues will showcase the city's architectural heritage and provide a memorable setting for the competitions.The 3x3 Basketball tournament will take place at La Concorde, while Artistic Swimming will be held at the Aquatics Centre in Saint-Denis. Artistic Gymnastics will grace the Bercy Arena in Paris, and Athletics will be spread across multiple locations, including the Hotel de Ville, Invalides, Stade de France, and Trocadero.Archery will be contested at the Invalides, and Badminton will be played at the Porte De La Chapelle Arena. Basketball will be divided between the Bercy Arena and Pierre Mauroy Stadium, while Beach Volleyball will take center stage at the Eiffel Tower Stadium.Boxing will be held at the North Paris Arena and Stade Roland Garros, and Breaking will make its Olympic debut at La Concorde. Canoe Slalom and Canoe Sprint will both take place at the Vaires-sur-Marne Nautical Stadium.Cycling Mountain Bike will be held at Elancourt Hill, while Cycling Road will traverse the Invalides, Pont Alexandre III, and Trocadero. Cycling BMX Freestyle will be contested at La Concorde and the Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines BMX Stadium. Cycling Track will take place at the Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines Velodrome.Equestrian events will be held at the Chateau de Versailles, and Fencing will grace the Grand Palais. Football will be played at stadiums across France, including the Bordeaux Stadium, Geoffroy-Guichard Stadium, La Beaujoire Stadium, Lyon Stadium, Marseille Stadium, Nice Stadium, and Parc de Princes.Golf will be played at the Golf National, and Handball will be contested at the Pierre Mauroy Stadium and South Paris Arena. Hockey will be held at the Yves-du-Manoir Stadium, and Judo will take place at the Champ de Mars Arena.Marathon Swimming will be held at the Pont Alexandre III, and Modern Pentathlon will be contested at the Chateau de Versailles and North Paris Arena. Rhythmic Gymnastics will be held at the Porte De La Chapelle Arena, and Rowing will take place at the Vaires-sur-Marne Nautical Stadium.Rugby Sevens will be played at the Stade de France, and Sailing will be held at the Marseille Marina. Skateboarding will make its Olympic debut at La Concorde, and Shooting will be held at the Chateauroux Shooting Centre.Sport Climbing will be held at the Le Bourget Sport Climbing Venue, and Surfing will take place at Teahupo'o, Tahiti. Swimming will be held at the Paris La Defense Arena, and Table Tennis will be contested at the South Paris Arena.Taekwondo will be held at the Grand Palais, and Tennis will be played at Stade Roland Garros. Trampoline will be held at the Bercy Arena, and Triathlon will take place at the Pont Alexandre III. Volleyball will be held at the South Paris Arena, and Water Polo will be contested at the Paris La Defense Arena.Weightlifting will be held at the South Paris Arena, and Wrestling will take place at the Champ de Mars Arena.
Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony to Embark on Unprecedented River Journey
The 2024 Paris Olympics, scheduled from July 26 to August 11, promises to be a spectacle like no other. For the first time in Olympic history, the opening ceremony will not take place in a stadium but will instead embark on a captivating journey along the Seine River.The ceremony will commence at the Pont d'Austerlitz bridge, where boats carrying over 200 delegations of athletes will set sail. The procession will traverse six kilometers along the river, passing iconic landmarks such as Notre Dame Cathedral and the Louvre Museum. The boats will culminate their journey at the Pont d'Lena, situated near the Eiffel Tower.The official opening ceremony will take place at the Champions Park, a temporary stadium erected in front of the Trocadero, by the Eiffel Tower. French President Emmanuel Macron will deliver the opening declaration, marking the official commencement of the Games.The ceremony will feature performances by over 3,000 artists, although the details of these performances remain under wraps. To accommodate spectators, 3,26,000 tickets have been made available for viewing the boat procession, with temporary stands erected along the riverbanks. Additionally, 2,22,000 free tickets will be distributed for viewing from the upper banks, while the lower quays will offer tickets ranging from 90 to 2,700 euros. Giant screens will also be set up throughout the city to ensure that everyone can witness this historic event.Security concerns have been a major consideration for the organizers, given the recent resurgence of extremist Islamist attacks in Europe. A rehearsal was canceled due to strong river currents, highlighting the challenges faced by the organizers. Alternative plans have been proposed, including hosting the ceremony at Trocadero Square facing the Eiffel Tower or at the Stade de France.
Olympic Torch Illuminates Paris, Uniting City in Celebration
The Olympic flame has illuminated the streets of Paris for two days, carried by hundreds of torchbearers through the city's iconic landmarks and diverse neighborhoods. From the grandeur of the Louvre Museum to the towering Eiffel Tower, the torch has symbolized the spirit of the upcoming Summer Games.Joyful crowds lined the route, cheering on the torchbearers as they ran at a slow pace, their white uniforms contrasting against the vibrant backdrop of Paris. BMX world champion Matthias Dandois, who carried the torch in front of the Eiffel Tower, expressed his emotions: "I got super emotional. I'm from Paris, and I grew up playing so much sport and watching the Olympics, and it was a dream to be a part of it."About 10,000 people were selected to carry the flame across France, representing a diverse range of backgrounds. Athletes, artists, cultural figures, and community volunteers all had the honor of participating in this historic relay.The torch reached the summit of the Eiffel Tower on Monday, carried by French judoka and Olympic champion Clarisse Agbegnenou. Francky Mbotto, a middle-distance runner from Central African Republic, described the experience as "incredible" and "emotional," emphasizing the message of peace conveyed by the relay.Eva David, a wheelchair basketball athlete, shared her joy: "It's a real moment of jubilation." Belgian singer Mentissa carried the torch to the sound of her own music, highlighting the unifying power of sports and music.The torch's grand entrance in Paris on Bastille Day featured military horse rider Col. Thibaut Vallette, a gold medalist at the 2016 Rio Games. It was then passed to students from the multicultural suburbs of Seine-Saint-Denis in front of French President Emmanuel Macron.Former World Cup winner Thierry Henry, who leads France's Olympic soccer team, carried the flame down the Champs-Elysees avenue. Among the most popular torchbearers was K-Pop icon Jin, a member of the band BTS, who drew a significant crowd.The torch relay also paid tribute to victims of the 2015 attacks in Paris, with Lassana Bathily, who saved lives during an attack at a kosher supermarket, carrying the torch at the Pantheon monument.The torch will continue its journey through northern France and the Paris region before returning to the capital for the opening ceremony on July 26, where the Olympic cauldron will be lit after the ceremony on the River Seine.
Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Paris: From Catacombs to Eiffel's Apartment
Paris, the City of Lights, is renowned for its iconic landmarks and cultural treasures. However, beyond the familiar sights, there lies a hidden Paris, a realm of secrets and forgotten histories.Gustave Eiffel's Secret ApartmentPerched atop the Eiffel Tower, concealed from public view, lies Gustave Eiffel's private apartment. This 1,076-square-foot sanctuary boasts a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and three desks. While it lacks a bed, it offers a glimpse into the life of the tower's creator.Les Catacombes de ParisBeneath the bustling streets of Paris, a labyrinthine network of tunnels and chambers known as the Catacombs holds the remains of millions of Parisians. Originally a quarry, it was transformed into an ossuary in the late 18th century to address the city's health crisis. Visitors can descend into this eerie underworld, navigating 131 steps down and 112 steps up.Homoerotic Private Tour of the LouvreDelve into the Louvre Museum's hidden narratives with a semi-private tour that explores the depiction of homosexuality, masculinity, and nudity throughout history. This tour showcases works from Mesopotamia to 19th-century French paintings, offering a unique perspective on art and society.Fondation Louis VuittonHoused in a stunning building designed by Frank Gehry, the Fondation Louis Vuitton is a contemporary art haven. It hosts two temporary exhibitions annually, showcasing modern and contemporary masterpieces. Currently on display is Matisse's "The Red Studio," a 1911 masterpiece.The Centre PompidouThe Centre Pompidou is a vibrant hub for modern and contemporary art. Its Musée National d'Art Moderne houses a vast collection of 20th and 21st-century works. In addition to temporary exhibitions, the center features a public library, a film museum, and a center for musical and acoustical research.Musée de la Vie RomantiqueNestled in the former home of painter Ary Scheffer, the Musée de la Vie Romantique celebrates the Romantic era. The ground floor is dedicated to writer George Sand, while the first floor showcases contemporary works alongside Scheffer's paintings. The museum's tearoom, Rose Bakery, offers delightful snacks.Musée CarnavaletHoused in the historic Carnavalet mansion, the Musée Carnavalet-History of Paris traces the city's history from prehistory to the present. Its collection includes over 618,000 items, including Napoleon I's campaign kit, royal mementos, and Marcel Proust's personal belongings.The Père Lachaise CemeterySpread over 44 hectares, the Père Lachaise Cemetery is the final resting place of countless famous figures. Here, visitors can pay homage to the graves of Honoré de Balzac, Frédéric Chopin, Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, and many others. Guided tours are available on weekends.Retro Tour of ParisEmbark on a unique journey through Paris in a vintage motorbike with a sidecar. Gentlemen Siders, dressed in retro style, will guide you through hidden streets, charming neighborhoods, and iconic landmarks.World War II BunkerBeneath Gare de l'Est, a key railway terminal, lies a well-preserved World War II bunker. Built as an air raid shelter, it was completed by the Germans during the occupation of Paris. Visitors can explore its metal chairs, tables, oxygen cylinders, and narrow passageways, offering a glimpse into the city's wartime past.