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- #GovernmentInterference
Delhi HC Restores IOA Ad Hoc Committee for Wrestling Federation of India
The Delhi High Court has reinstated the Indian Olympic Association's (IOA) ad hoc committee to oversee the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI). The decision came in response to a plea filed by renowned wrestlers Bajrang Punia, Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik, and her husband Satyawart Kadian.The court's interim order overturned the IOA's dissolution of the ad hoc committee, which was formed after the WFI's elections in December 2023. The court held that the IOA's decision was incompatible with the Union Sports Ministry's suspension of the WFI following the elections.Justice Sachin Datta rejected the petitioners' request to appoint a retired high court or Supreme Court judge as the WFI administrator. Instead, the court allowed the IOA to reconstitute the ad hoc committee with eminent sportspersons or experts who have experience in dealing with international federations.The wrestlers had protested at Jantar Mantar last year, demanding the arrest of outgoing WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh for alleged sexual harassment. They subsequently filed a petition in the high court to annul the WFI elections.The Sports Ministry suspended the WFI on December 24, 2023, for allegedly violating its constitution. The IOA then formed an ad hoc committee to manage the WFI's affairs. However, the United World Wrestling (UWW) lifted the suspension in February, prompting the IOA to dissolve its ad hoc committee on March 18.The court ruled that the UWW's lifting of the ban was unrelated to the Sports Ministry's suspension order and the formation of the ad hoc committee. It also stated that the Sports Ministry should not have adopted a passive approach that undermined its own orders.The court emphasized that the ad hoc committee will continue to manage the WFI's affairs until the Sports Ministry's suspension order is reviewed or recalled. It also noted that the Paris Olympic Games are over, and there is no reason for the ministry to delay a decision on the suspension order.
Vinesh Phogat's Historic Olympic Journey: Triumph and Heartbreak
Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded wrestler Vinesh Phogat for her remarkable performance at the Paris Olympics, where she became the first Indian woman grappler to reach the final. During a meeting with Indian athletes and medal winners at his residence, PM Modi acknowledged Vinesh's achievement, stating that it was a matter of immense pride for the nation.Vinesh's historic feat was unfortunately marred by her disqualification from the women's 50 kg gold medal bout due to being weighed "few grams over" the permissible limits on the morning of the final match. The heartbreaking setback prompted Vinesh to announce her retirement from wrestling on social media.Despite the disappointment, Vinesh's illustrious career boasts three Commonwealth Games golds, two World Championships bronze medals, and one Asian Games gold medal. She also emerged as the Asian champion in 2021.Vinesh appealed her Olympic disqualification to the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS), seeking a joint silver medal in the 50kg weight category. However, the Ad-Hoc Division of the CAS dismissed her petition, dashing her hopes of securing her maiden Olympic medal.India's contingent at the Paris Games comprised 117 athletes competing across 16 sports, including archery, athletics, badminton, boxing, equestrian, golf, hockey, judo, rowing, sailing, shooting, swimming, wrestling, table tennis, and tennis.The Indian team secured six medals at the Paris Olympics, including one silver and five bronze. While expectations were high for a historic performance, India narrowly missed surpassing its previous best at the rescheduled Tokyo Olympics in 2021, where they won seven medals (1 gold, 2 silver, and 4 bronze) and ranked 48th.
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic Heartbreak: Coach Feared for Her Life During Weight-Cut
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic heartbreak took a dramatic turn as her coach, Woller Akos, revealed the harrowing ordeal she endured the night before the 50kg final at the Paris Olympics 2024.After an inspiring victory over reigning Olympic champion Yui Susaki of Japan in the quarterfinals, Vinesh faced a grueling weight-cut session. For five hours, she and her coaching staff desperately tried to shed 100 grams of excess weight. Despite cutting her hair and drawing blood, Vinesh's weight remained stubbornly high.As the clock ticked down, Akos and his team resorted to extreme measures. From midnight to 5:30 AM, Vinesh underwent intense cardio and wrestling drills, collapsing at one point. She spent an hour in the sauna, but not a drop of sweat appeared."I don't intentionally write dramatic details, but I only remember thinking that she might die," Akos wrote in a now-deleted post.Vinesh was eventually hospitalized, and her disqualification from the final sent shockwaves through the Indian wrestling contingent and the nation.Despite the crushing disappointment, Vinesh remained positive. "Coach, don't be sad because you told me that if I find myself in any difficult situation and need extra energy, I should think that I beat the best woman wrestler in the world," she told Akos. "I achieved my goal, I proved that I am one of the best in the world."Vinesh's disqualification meant she would not receive a silver medal, leading to her retirement announcement. Her team appealed to the CAS, but their plea was dismissed.Akos's revelation sheds light on the extreme sacrifices athletes make in pursuit of Olympic glory. Vinesh's ordeal serves as a reminder of the physical and mental toll that elite competition can take.
Vinesh Phogat's CAS Appeal Dismissed, IOA Expresses Disappointment
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has confirmed that wrestler Vinesh Phogat's appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has been dismissed. The decision, which came as a surprise to both Phogat and the IOA, was announced on Wednesday, August 16.According to IOA advocate Vidushpat Singhania, CAS has not provided a reason for dismissing Phogat's appeal. He added that the decision can be appealed against at the Swiss Federal Tribunal within 30 days."No detailed order has come yet. Only a single-line order has come so far that her appeal has been dismissed. They have not cited a reason why it has been dismissed or why did they take so much time...We were both surprised and disappointed that a decision came last evening and her appeal was dismissed... We hope that the detailed order will come in 10-15 days... CAS decision can be appealed against at the Swiss Federal Tribunal within 30 days. The 30-day time will begin after a detailed order comes. Harish Salve is with us, he will guide us. We will sit with him, draft an appeal and file it...," Singhania said.Phogat was disqualified from the women's 50kg freestyle wrestling final at the Tokyo Olympics on August 7 after exceeding the weight limit. She was found to be 100 grams over the limit during the weigh-in.Following her disqualification, Phogat appealed to CAS, requesting that she be awarded the silver medal. However, her appeal has now been dismissed.The verdict was originally scheduled for Tuesday, August 13, but was delayed to August 16. The decision was announced on Wednesday, August 16.Phogat's disqualification and subsequent appeal have been a major talking point in the Indian sporting community. Many have expressed support for Phogat, while others have questioned the fairness of the decision.The IOA has stated that it will continue to support Phogat and will explore all legal options available to her.
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic Dream Ends in Heartbreaking Disqualification
Indian wrestling star Vinesh Phogat's Olympic dream came crashing down in the women's freestyle 50kg category at the Paris 2024 Games due to a heartbreaking disqualification. Despite two stunning victories over wrestling giants Yui Susaki of Japan and Oksana Livach of Ukraine, Phogat's hopes were dashed when she was found to be 100 grams overweight at the weigh-in.Phogat's disqualification sent shockwaves through the wrestling community. The 29-year-old had resorted to extreme measures to make weight, including cutting her hair, going without food and water, and working out an entire night. Her plight evoked sympathy across the board, as she ultimately needed IV fluids due to extreme dehydration.Phogat's victories over Susaki and Livach were particularly impressive, given their formidable records. Susaki, the reigning Olympic gold medalist, had never lost an international wrestling match before her encounter with Phogat. Livach, a former World Championships bronze medalist, had also entered the quarter-final with great momentum.Phogat's triumph over Susaki was a testament to her determination and skill. She overcame the odds to defeat the overwhelming favorite in a tight 3-2 contest. Her victory over Livach further solidified her status as a world-class wrestler.In the semi-final, Phogat faced Cuban wrestler Yusneylis Guzman Lopez, the reigning 50kg gold medalist in the Pan American Games. Guzman ultimately won the silver medal after Phogat's disqualification.Phogat's disqualification has raised questions about the weight-cutting practices in wrestling. Many experts believe that the current system is dangerous and needs to be reformed. Phogat's experience highlights the need for a more humane and athlete-centric approach to weight management in the sport.
IOA Explores Legal Options After CAS Dismisses Vinesh Phogat's Medal Plea
The Indian Olympic Association (IOA) has expressed shock and disappointment after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) dismissed Vinesh Phogat's plea for a silver medal in the women's 50kg event at the Paris Olympics. The CAS released a statement on Wednesday confirming the dismissal of the application filed by Phogat on August 7, dealing a significant blow to her Olympic medal hopes.Phogat had appealed to CAS after she was disqualified from the final of the 50kg event at the World Wrestling Championships in Belgrade in September 2022. She was found to be overweight by a mere 100 grams, which resulted in her being barred from competing in the final. American Sarah Ann Hildebrandt claimed the gold medal in her absence.In her appeal, Phogat demanded that she be given a joint silver medal with Cuban wrestler Yusneylis Guzman Lopez, who lost to her in the semi-finals but was promoted to the summit clash following the Indian's disqualification.The IOA has voiced concerns over the decision of the Sole Arbitrator at CAS, which upheld the ruling in favor of United World Wrestling (UWW) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The IOA believes that the total disqualification of an athlete for such a weight infraction on the second of two days warrants a deeper examination.The IOA also highlighted the stringent and arguably inhumane regulations that fail to account for the physiological and psychological stresses athletes, particularly female athletes, undergo. It is a stark reminder of the need for more equitable and reasonable standards that prioritize athletes' well-being.In light of the order of the CAS, the IOA continues to stand in full support of Ms. Phogat and is exploring further legal options. The IOA is committed to ensuring that Vinesh's case is heard. It will continue to advocate justice and fairness in sports, ensuring that the rights and dignity of athletes and everyone in the sports fold are upheld at all times.
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic Medal Hopes Crushed by CAS
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic medal hopes were dashed on Wednesday when the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) rejected her plea for a joint silver medal at the Paris 2024 Games. The decision concluded a tumultuous saga that began with Vinesh's remarkable performance on the first day of the women's 50kg wrestling competition.On August 6, Vinesh stunned the wrestling world by defeating reigning Olympic champion Yui Sasaki of Japan. She continued her impressive run by overcoming Ukrainian Oksana Livach and Cuban Yusneylis Guzman to reach the final. However, her dream of becoming the first Indian woman to win an Olympic wrestling medal above bronze was shattered the following day.Vinesh was disqualified from the gold medal match against Sarah Hildebrandt of the United States after failing to meet the weight limit by 100 grams. The news sent shockwaves through the wrestling community and India, with many expressing disbelief and outrage.Reports emerged of the extreme measures Vinesh and her coaching staff had taken to ensure she made weight, including drawing blood and cutting her hair. The Wrestling Federation of India filed an appeal with United World Wrestling, while Vinesh appealed to CAS, demanding a joint silver medal.On August 8, Vinesh announced her retirement from wrestling. The hearing into her appeal concluded on August 9, with CAS initially postponing the announcement of the verdict to August 13. However, the decision was further delayed to August 16.Finally, on August 14, CAS dismissed Vinesh's plea. The international tribunal stated that the full award with reasons would be notified to the parties and published on its website.Vinesh's disqualification and subsequent retirement have sparked a debate about the weight management practices in wrestling and the need for athlete welfare. The incident has also highlighted the challenges faced by female athletes in balancing their weight with their performance.
Vinesh Phogat's Joint Silver Medal Appeal Dismissed by CAS
Indian wrestler Vinesh Phogat's hopes of securing a joint silver medal at the Paris Olympics 2024 were dashed after the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) dismissed her petition on Wednesday. Phogat was disqualified from the 50kg freestyle wrestling gold medal match for being overweight, prompting her to file an appeal with CAS. However, her request for a shared silver medal was denied.The CAS ruling sparked outrage among the Indian sporting community, with Olympic bronze medalist Bajrang Punia taking to social media to express his disappointment. "Your medal was snatched away in this darkness," Punia wrote. "You are shining like a diamond in the whole world today."Phogat's disqualification stemmed from her failure to meet the weight limit for her category. Despite extreme measures such as cutting her hair, going without food and water, and working out overnight, she was still overweight. The United World Wrestling (UWW) regulations, which do not consider the physiological and psychological stresses faced by athletes, were criticized by the Indian Olympic Association (IOA).In a statement, IOA President PT Usha expressed "shock and disappointment" at the CAS decision. The body also lashed out at the "inhumane regulations" of UWW. The IOA said it will continue to explore legal options but acknowledged that the matter may be closed.Phogat's disqualification means India's medal tally from the Paris Olympics will stand at six, including one silver and five bronze. The Haryana grappler, who was making her third Olympic appearance, announced her retirement from the sport soon after the setback.The CAS ruling highlights the need for a review of the weight-cutting regulations in wrestling. Athletes should not be forced to put their health at risk in order to compete. The IOA's commitment to supporting Phogat and exploring further legal options is a step in the right direction.
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic Dream Crushed by 100 Grams
Vinesh Phogat's Olympic dream was shattered by a mere 100 grams. The Indian wrestler, who had made history by reaching the final of the 50kg category at the Paris Olympics 2024, was declared overweight the next morning.Phogat had weighed in under the weight limit of 50kg before the start of her matches. However, by the end of the first day of competition, she had gained 2.7kg, weighing in at 52.7kg.This weight gain was not due to any miscalculation or negligence on Phogat's part. Rather, it was the result of a Herculean effort to make weight.Phogat had participated in 53kg events as recently as the 2022 World Championships. Her normal weight is reported to be near 57kg. Therefore, going down to 50kg was a significant challenge.To make weight, Phogat underwent drastic measures. She limited her water intake, avoided food, and trained rigorously. After her weigh-in on the first morning, she consumed a glass of juice and several liters of fluid to stay hydrated for her bouts.Phogat also took light snacks throughout the day to replenish her energy. This added up to an estimated 2.7kg of weight gain.After weighing in at 52.7kg after her semi-final, Phogat underwent a grueling night. She trained on the treadmill for six hours and was in the sauna for another three, all without food or water. Her coaches also trimmed the elastic at the bottom of her costume and cut off some of her hair to reduce weight.Despite these efforts, Phogat was still 100 grams overweight the next morning. This denied her the opportunity to compete for an Olympic medal.Phogat's story is a testament to the sacrifices that athletes make to compete at the highest level. It is also a reminder that even the smallest of margins can make a big difference in the outcome of a competition.