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Carlsen and Lagno Lead Tata Steel Chess India Blitz at Halfway Mark
The Tata Steel Chess India Blitz 2024 in Kolkata witnessed a thrilling first half, with World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen and three-time World Women's Blitz champion Kateryna Lagno dominating the Open and Women's sections, respectively.Carlsen, known for his exceptional chess prowess, started the tournament with a strong 6.5 points out of a possible 9. However, his winning streak was broken in round eight by Indian prodigy Arjun Erigaisi, who defeated him in a stunning 20-move game. Carlsen later settled for a draw against Vidit Gujarathi in the final round of the day.India's R Praggnanandhaa, a rising star in the chess world, emerged as a strong contender, securing second place with 6 points. After losing his first three games, Praggnanandhaa displayed remarkable resilience, winning six consecutive games to close the gap on Carlsen.Arjun Erigaisi and Russia's Daniil Dubov are tied for third place with 5.5 points each. Erigaisi's victory over Carlsen was a major upset, showcasing his potential as a future chess champion.In the Women's section, Lagno maintained an undefeated streak, accumulating 7 points with five wins and four draws. Valentina Gunina trails her by a single point, while Rapid Champion Aleksandra Goryachkina occupies third place with 5 points.Goryachkina had a promising start with three consecutive wins but struggled to maintain her momentum, drawing her remaining six games.
Magnus Carlsen Dominates Tata Steel Chess India Rapid Tournament
World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen dominated the Tata Steel Chess India Rapid Tournament in Kolkata on Thursday, securing three consecutive victories to take the sole lead in the 'Open' section. Carlsen's flawless performance saw him defeat S L Narayanan, Wesley So, and Arjun Erigaisi, amassing a commanding five points out of a possible six.In the women's section, Russia's Aleksandra Goryachkina mirrored Carlsen's impressive display, securing three victories to establish a solitary lead. Her triumphs over Vantika Agrawal, R. Vaishali, and Kateryna Lagno propelled her to a tally of five points.Carlsen's closest challenger is former World Rapid champion Nodirbek Abdusattorov, who trails with 4.5 points. Abdusattorov drew against Nihal Sarin and Vidit Gujrathi before defeating Narayanan, positioning himself as Carlsen's primary threat heading into the final day.In the women's section, Georgian Grandmaster Nana Dzagnidze is hot on Goryachkina's heels with four points. Dzagnidze's successful day included wins over Vaishali and Koneru Humpy, as well as a hard-fought draw with Lagno.India's D. Harika, Vantika Agrawal, and Valentina Gunina share third place with 3.5 points each.
Magnus Carlsen: Chess Ratings Deflated, Unfazed by Potential Successors
Magnus Carlsen, the undisputed world chess champion for over a decade, has expressed his belief that chess ratings today are somewhat "deflated" compared to the past. However, he remains unfazed by the possibility of someone surpassing him.Carlsen, who held the world title from 2013 to 2023, chose not to defend his crown, citing lack of motivation. Despite stepping back from classical tournaments, Carlsen's reign at the top is one of the longest and most dominant in chess history."I don't play a lot of classical chess, so whenever somebody is going to pass me, I wouldn't particularly mind," the 33-year-old Norwegian said. "I think a lot of people had the chance to surpass me, but we'll see when it happens. I think it sort of depends on others."Carlsen also suggested that chess ratings may not carry the same weight they did a decade ago. "There's definitely been deflation in chess ratings, so a level of ELO 2830 would probably correspond to 2850 about 10 years ago, and not a lot of people have reached that," noted Carlsen, who currently has a FIDE rating of 2831.Having held the world number 1 spot almost continuously since July 1, 2011, Carlsen first achieved the top ranking in January 2010 at the age of 19, becoming the youngest player to reach that position. After briefly losing it in mid 2011, he reclaimed the top spot and has dominated it ever since.Throughout his career, Carlsen has set multiple records, including the highest FIDE rating ever recorded at 2882 in May 2014. Since opting out of the World Championship in 2023, Carlsen has "picked and chosen" tournaments with formats and opponents he finds exciting, focusing on rapid, blitz, and other flexible events that align with his evolving interests.Reflecting on the younger generation of players, Carlsen conveyed his respect for their progress while noting that they don't always measure up to his level, a statement more reflective of his confidence than arrogance. "I'm looking forward to testing myself against the younger generation. I'm always curious to see how much they've improved since the last time. It turns out they have improved, but not always enough."Carlsen has won the World Rapid Chess Championship four times (2014, 2015, 2019, and 2022) and the World Blitz Chess Championship five times (2009, 2014, 2017, 2018, and 2019), making him one of the most versatile and dominant world champions across different formats.On the younger generation of chess players, Carlsen said: "It's very interesting to see a different brand of chess. A lot of the older players of my generation are not going to surprise you in a major way in terms of where they stand, but with the younger generation, it's interesting to try and understand."India has come a long wayCarlsen began his reign after defeating Viswanathan Anand in the World Championship in Chennai in 2013 and he feels the country has come a long way. "I came to Chennai in August (2013), to look at the facilities and so on. I was told that I'm going to meet some of the better kids in the area to play, and it feels like half of the kids are now either GMs or some of them are even playing in top tournaments.""That's what has changed. Those kids back then are now the core of the Olympiad-winning team. Indian chess has come a long way since then, much thanks to Anand and what he did for Indian chess," he said.Carlsen was also impressed with three-year-old chess prodigy from the city Anish Sarkar, who recently became the youngest FIDE-rated chess player in the world with a rating of 1555. "First of all, it's amazing to see the level he's at. My nephew is turning 4, he's a bright young child, but I don't see him getting a rating of 1500 anytime soon," he said."It's very impressive. Most of all, try to enjoy as much as you can. Don't think about ratings, results, titles, and so on. They will come automatically; just do what you love," he signed off, while posing for a photo with the kid.
Magnus Carlsen to Headline Tata Steel Chess India 2023
The sixth edition of Tata Steel Chess India, scheduled from November 13 to 17, will witness the return of World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen. The Norwegian Grandmaster, who previously triumphed in the 2019 edition, will headline the prestigious event.India's strong contingent, fresh from their golden performance at the Chess Olympiad in Budapest, will feature rising stars Arjun Erigaisi, R Praggnanandhaa, and Vidit Gujrathi. Nihal Sarin and S L Narayanan will also represent India in the 'Open' category.Like previous editions, the tournament will comprise 'Open' and women's categories with identical rapid and blitz formats and equal prize money. India's women's team will be represented by Koneru Humpy, R Vaishali, D. Harika, Divya Deshmukh, and Vantika Agrawal.Chess legend Viswanathan Anand, the tournament's ambassador, expressed his excitement: "I am looking forward to being back at Tata Steel Chess India. It has become the marquee event in India. This year brings the best of the world headed by Magnus Carlsen."Chanakya Chaudhary, vice-president of corporate services at Tata Steel, said: "We are excited to host the sixth edition of Tata Steel Chess India, which marks the return of world No. 1 Magnus Carlsen. Members of the Indian men's and women's squads, following their gold medal wins at the Chess Olympiad, will also join the tournament alongside top global players."The tournament lineup includes:Open:- Magnus Carlsen- Nodirbek Abdusattorov- Wesley So- Vincent Keymer- Daniil Dubov- Arjun Erigaisi- R Praggnanandhaa- Vidit Gujrathi- Nihal Sarin- S L NarayananWomen:- Aleksandra Goryachkina- Kateryna Lagno- Alexandra Kosteniuk- Nana Dzagnidze- Valentina Gunina- Koneru Humpy- R. Vaishali- D. Harika- Divya Deshmukh- Vantika Agrawal
Hans Niemann's Chess Scandal: Controversy and Redemption
Two years ago, the chess world was rocked by a major scandal involving American grandmaster Hans Niemann and world No. 1 Magnus Carlsen. Niemann's victory over Carlsen in the Sinquefield Cup sparked accusations of cheating, which Niemann denied. Despite the lack of evidence, the controversy has continued to follow Niemann.In the wake of the scandal, Niemann has launched a series of one-on-one matches against fellow grandmasters, titled "Hans Niemann Against The World." Indian GM Vidit Gujrathi, who faced Niemann in one of these matches, believes that Niemann's actions are beneficial for chess."I think what Hans is doing is good for chess," Gujrathi said. "Every sport has special characters who bring money and attention to the game and evoke strong emotions in people."Niemann has expressed a desire for an apology from Carlsen, but has also stated that his "vengeance will be victory on the board." He is scheduled to face Carlsen in the semifinals of the Speed Chess Championship in Paris on September 6.Former world No. 2 Levon Aronian, who played in the controversial 2022 Sinquefield Cup, believes that Niemann is a talented player but has reservations about his actions."I think Hans is a talented player who can reach the heights in chess," Aronian said. "But I can't say I support him. In a way, he's using this whole story perhaps to his advantage."The controversy has also sparked a conversation about cheating in chess. Aronian and Gujrathi agree that more stringent anti-cheating measures are needed."Anti-cheating measures have to be more stringent," Gujrathi said. "When you allow spectators, there has to be a delay in broadcast. They shouldn't be able to see the live position when they come in."Despite the challenges he faces, Niemann remains determined to become a top player."He has everyone rooting against him," Gujrathi said. "But that doesn't stop him. If anything, it fuels him."
Team MGD1 Clinches Silver at Inaugural World Blitz Team Championships
Team MGD1, led by Grandmaster Arjun Erigaisi, made history by securing the silver medal at the inaugural World Blitz Team Championships in Astana, Kazakhstan. The tournament, organized by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), featured 40 teams competing in a group-cum-knockout format.Team MGD1, composed entirely of Indian players, dominated Pool B, winning all seven matches. In the knockout stage, they defeated Astana-2 and Israel's Ashdod Chess Club to reach the semifinals. In the semifinals, they faced Al-Ain, the World Rapid Team Champions, and emerged victorious in a tie-breaker.The final match against Team WR Chess was a thrilling encounter. Erigaisi, India's highest-rated player in Classic Ranking, upset former World Champion Magnus Carlsen on the top board in Round 1. However, Carlsen's teammates secured victories on the other boards, giving Team WR Chess a comfortable lead. Team MGD1 fought back in the second round, holding the eventual champions to a 3:3 draw, but it was not enough to force a playoff."Beating Magnus Carlsen in any format is special," said Erigaisi. "But more than that win, it's the collective performance of the team that helped us with the silver medal. The way we bonded and fought for each other makes this medal so special."Team MGD1's success is a testament to the growing strength of Indian chess. The team's lineup included GM Srinath Narayanan, SL Narayanan, B. Adhiban, former Women's World Championships bronze medalist D. Harika, and amateur Mihir Shah."It's a very proud moment for all of us," said MGD1 co-founder Sreekar Chennapragada. "We at MGD1 are committed to the development of chess in India, and that is one of the reasons we fielded an all-Indian line-up in Astana. The players rose to the occasion."Team MGD1's silver medal is a significant achievement for Indian chess and a testament to the team's hard work and dedication.
Global Chess League Unveils Icon Players for Season 2
The Global Chess League (GCL), a joint venture between Tech Mahindra and FIDE, has unveiled its roster of Icon players for the upcoming second season, set to take place in London from October 3rd to 12th.Leading the charge is world No. 1 and five-time world champion Magnus Carlsen, who will once again represent Alpine SG Pipers. Carlsen expressed his excitement for the upcoming season, stating that the team format introduced by the GCL is "very exciting and refreshing."Joining the league for the first time are two new Icon players: Hikaru Nakamura and Anish Giri. Nakamura, known for his dynamic style, will play for the American Gambits, while Giri will make his debut with the PBG Alaskan Knights.Returning as Icon players are Viswanathan Anand (Ganges Grandmasters), Maxime Vachier-Lagrave (Mumba Masters), and Ian Nepomniachtchi (Triveni Continental Kings). Anand, a five-time world champion, believes that the GCL's unique format will enhance the popularity of chess.The GCL features a minimum of three marquee showdowns each day between the Icon players, who lead their teams into battle. Each team consists of six players: one Icon player, two superstar male players, two superstar female players, and one prodigy player.The league aims to promote chess through innovative technology-enabled platforms, leveraging 5G, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality. By bringing together top male and female chess champions in a joint team format, the GCL offers a unique viewing experience for fans worldwide.
Praggnanandhaa's Triumph: Indian Prodigy Stuns Carlsen, Inspires a Nation
Rameshbabu Praggnanandhaa, the 18-year-old chess prodigy from Chennai, has become a global sensation after his remarkable performance at the Norway Chess tournament. His victory over World No. 1 Magnus Carlsen sent shockwaves through the chess world and cemented his status as a rising star.Praggnanandhaa's journey to the top has been marked by hard work, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. His victory over Carlsen was not a fluke; it was the culmination of years of training and preparation. The young Indian has a deep understanding of the game and an uncanny ability to calculate complex positions.Beyond his chess prowess, Praggnanandhaa is also known for his humility and respect for his opponents. He has a close relationship with Carlsen, who has praised Praggnanandhaa's talent and sportsmanship. The two players share a mutual respect and admiration, which has made their rivalry one of the most compelling in chess history.Praggnanandhaa's success has not only brought him fame but has also inspired a new generation of chess players in India. His achievements have helped to raise the profile of the game in the country and have shown that Indian players can compete with the best in the world.With the Paris Olympics 2024 approaching, Praggnanandhaa is eager to represent India on the global stage. He believes that chess has the potential to become an Olympic sport and is excited about the prospect of competing for a medal.Praggnanandhaa's journey is a testament to the power of hard work, determination, and the support of family and friends. He is an inspiration to young people everywhere and a shining example of what can be achieved through passion and perseverance.
Norway Chess: Carlsen Extends Lead, Praggnanandhaa Loses in Armageddon
Norway Chess 2024: Carlsen Extends Lead, Praggnanandhaa Loses in ArmageddonThe Norway Chess tournament is nearing its conclusion, with the stakes reaching unprecedented heights. In the main event, all classical games of Round 9 ended in draws, forcing an Armageddon tie-breaker to determine the match winners.India's Praggnanandhaa R suffered a setback in Armageddon against Fabiano Caruana, who now has a slim chance of claiming the title. Caruana must defeat Hikaru Nakamura in the final round and hope that Magnus Carlsen loses his game against Caruana.Carlsen, the five-time World Champion, extended his lead with an Armageddon victory over Alireza Firouzja in Round 9. A win in the final round would secure him the tournament outright. Nakamura, who lost to Ding Liren in Armageddon, needs to win his last game with Black against Praggnanandhaa to remain in contention.In the women's tournament, Lei Tingjie secured the only classical win of the day against Vaishali R. The Chinese GM's decisive victory with the white pieces in 30 moves has significantly boosted her chances of winning the tournament in the final round.Ju Wenjun, the Women's World Champion, defeated Koneru Humpy in Armageddon to take a 1.5-point lead in the competition. Anna Muzychuk also registered a tie-break win over Pia Cramling.With the tournament reaching its final round, only 1.5 points separate Wenjun, Tingjie, and Muzychuk at the top of the table in the women's tournament. The inaugural edition of the Norway Chess 2024 Women's Tournament is poised for a thrilling finish.