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- #FiveSetThrillers
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Leylah Fernandez Debuts Bold New Look at US Open
Leylah Fernandez, the 2021 US Open finalist, has made a bold fashion statement at this year's tournament, showcasing a new look that reflects her evolving style and personal identity.Fernandez's most striking change is her cornrow braids, a style she says she has always admired and wanted to try. The braids pay homage to her Latina heritage and her desire to express her individuality."I've always loved athletes who wore braids," Fernandez said. "I thought it was kind of cool."The braids have been a hit with fans on social media, and Fernandez says she has "fallen in love" with the new look. She plans to experiment with more styles in the future.Fernandez's outfit also features a new Lululemon dress designed with her input. The white dress with pleated skirt and pops of teal and yellow is a departure from her previous outfits as the brand's first global brand ambassador in tennis."For the longest time, I've never been a fan of dresses," Fernandez admitted. "But Lululemon was very patient with me and made a dress that meets my needs."Fernandez provided detailed feedback to the design team, requesting more performance-specific options and a lighter, more breathable material."I love that they kept the dress simple," Fernandez said. "I'm trying to show off my personality and let my tennis game show in my clothes."Completing Fernandez's outfit is a new tennis shoe designed by Aesem Athletica, a footwear project founded by her father, Jorge. The shoes are still in the pre-launch stage but have been designed to fit the lifestyle of the new generation of athletes."My dad has been working on this for a long time," Fernandez said. "I'm happy to see his imagination coming to life."Fernandez says she appreciates the cool "sneaker-like" look of the shoe, which is designed to transition seamlessly on and off court."I don't need to bring 20 pairs of shoes in my luggage anymore," she said. "These shoes are perfect."Fernandez's new look is a reflection of her growth as a player and a person. She is embracing her individuality and using her platform to inspire others."I hope my new look shows that it's okay to be different," Fernandez said. "You can be yourself and still be successful."
Leylah Fernandez Unveils Canada's Olympic Outfits with Lululemon
Leylah Fernandez, Canada's rising tennis star, played a pivotal role in the unveiling of the country's official Lululemon outfits for the upcoming Paris Olympics. As the brand's first global tennis ambassador, Fernandez joined other aspiring medalists at the Liberty Grand in Toronto to showcase the national apparel for the Games.Fernandez's involvement in the reveal was a testament to her growing stature in Canadian sports. She had previously provided feedback to Lululemon on the design of the outfits, ensuring that they met the needs of athletes. The 21-year-old expressed her honor at being part of the big reveal, calling it a "core memory" in her journey towards the Olympics.The Canadian Olympic and Paralympic outfits feature several innovative design elements. Magnetic-close zippers and pull-on loops enhance accessibility for wheelchair-using Paralympians. SenseKnit technology, a high-wicking fabric, promotes breathability. The outfits also incorporate a fresh take on Canada's red and white colors and the iconic maple leaf imagery.Fernandez praised Lululemon's efforts in creating a unique collection. She expressed her eagerness to wear the outfits with pride at the Paris Olympics. The official team gear is now available for purchase in Canada and will soon be launched in the U.S. and select Paris retailers.Fernandez's Olympic debut in Tokyo saw her reach the second round in singles. However, her recent performances, including a quarterfinal appearance at Roland Garros in 2022 and a pivotal role in Canada's Billie Jean King Cup victory, suggest that she could be a medal contender in Paris.