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- #FiveSetThrillers
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- #FrenchOpen#IgaSwiatek#MarieBouzkova#Tennis#WTA
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- #FrenchOpen#Tennis#DaniilMedvedev#ArynaSabalenka#ElenaRybakina#MiomirKecmanovic#MoyukaUchijima#ArantxaRus
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- #GelResolution9
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- #GoldMedals
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Ugo Humbert Apologizes to Karen Khachanov for Unsportsmanlike Conduct
Ugo Humbert, the French tennis star, has apologized to Karen Khachanov after being accused of unsportsmanlike conduct during their Rolex Paris Masters semifinal clash. The incident sparked controversy, with Khachanov criticizing Humbert's behavior as "no class."Humbert, who reached his first ATP Masters 1000 final on home soil, initially believed Khachanov was experiencing cramps during the match. However, it was later revealed that the Russian had suffered a Grade 2 sprain in his right leg, prompting him to withdraw from the tournament.In a lengthy Instagram post, Humbert expressed regret for his actions, stating that he had no knowledge of Khachanov's injury. He explained that he had been focused on the intensity of the match and had misinterpreted the situation."I'm sorry to see that this has been misunderstood and even worse, described as a lack of fair play," Humbert wrote. "I have great respect for Karen and for all the opponents I've had to meet so far."Khachanov, who had been on a hot streak after winning the Almaty Open title and reaching the final in Vienna, was visibly upset after the match. He accused Humbert of celebrating while he was injured, saying, "To (celebrate) while you see the other guy is on the ground? OK, see you next time."Humbert has since reached out to Khachanov personally to apologize and clear up the misunderstanding. He acknowledged that his behavior could have been better and vowed to learn from the experience.Despite the controversy, Humbert's performance in Paris was impressive. He upset Roland Garros and Wimbledon champion Carlos Alcaraz in the quarterfinals and reached his first Masters 1000 final on home soil. The 26-year-old is now ranked world No. 14, one spot shy of his career-high ranking.
Denis Shapovalov Defaulted from DC Open After Altercation with Fan
Denis Shapovalov's Mubadala Citi DC Open campaign came to an abrupt end on Friday night when he was defaulted from his quarterfinal match against Ben Shelton. The incident occurred in the second-set tiebreaker, with Shapovalov trailing by a set and 6-3.After hitting a backhand into the net, Shapovalov threw his racquet to the ground and exchanged words with a fan in the stands. The chair umpire issued a code violation for unsportsmanlike conduct, prompting an ATP supervisor to be called to the court.Shapovalov argued that the fan had provoked him, but the supervisor did not accept his explanation. Despite being down three match points, Shelton was awarded the match when Shapovalov was defaulted.This is not the first time Shapovalov has been defaulted from a match. In 2017, he was defaulted from a Davis Cup match after hitting a ball that struck the umpire in the eye.The incident has sparked debate about the subjectivity of the rules and the potential for abuse. Some commentators have argued that the supervisor's decision was too harsh, while others have defended the decision, citing the need to maintain order and respect on the court.Shapovalov's default is a reminder of the importance of sportsmanship and professionalism. While it is understandable that players may experience frustration and anger during matches, it is crucial to maintain composure and respect for opponents, officials, and fans.
French Tennis Player Fined $25,000 for Hitting Spectator with Ball
French tennis player Terence Atmane faced a hefty fine of $25,000 at the Roland Garros tournament after an unfortunate incident during his first-round match. Atmane, ranked 120th in the world, lost to Sebastian Ofner of Austria in a five-set thriller. However, the match was marred by an incident in the fourth set when Atmane, frustrated by a lost point, angrily hit a ball over the wall and into the stands.The ball struck a spectator, causing a delay in play for nearly 15 minutes. The chair umpire and officials consulted with the fan, who fortunately reported being unharmed. Atmane was initially given a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct, but no further penalty was imposed.However, the tournament referee later reviewed the incident and decided to fine Atmane $25,000, which is nearly a third of his prize money for losing in the opening round. This fine is the largest of the 10 handed out to players during the clay-court event so far.Atmane expressed remorse for his actions in an Instagram post, stating that the gesture was not intentional and that a broken string on his racket affected the ball's flight. He also apologized for his emotional outburst and said he was too shocked to react immediately.Ofner, Atmane's opponent, believed that the Frenchman should have been defaulted from the match. "It was a bit surprising because if you do something like that on a small court, you have to be punished," Ofner said. "The ball was so fast and straight into the crowd. People have been disqualified for less."Tournament referee Remy Azemar explained that Atmane was not disqualified because the spectator did not report any injuries. However, the incident highlights the importance of player conduct and the potential consequences of unsportsmanlike behavior.
French Player Strikes Spectator at Roland Garros, Escapes Penalty
French Player Escapes Penalty After Striking Spectator at Roland GarrosDuring the first round of Roland Garros on Sunday, French player Terence Atmane sparked controversy after hitting a ball into the stands and striking a spectator. The incident occurred on Court 12, one of the smaller courts at the tournament, during Atmane's match against Sebastian Ofner of Austria.After losing a point in the fourth set, Atmane angrily smacked the ball over the wall and into the seats behind the opposite baseline. The ball struck a female spectator in the leg, causing a delay of nearly 15 minutes as the chair umpire and tournament referee investigated the incident.Initially, it appeared that Atmane might face disqualification, as has happened in similar incidents at Roland Garros in the past. However, after speaking to the spectator, the officials decided to issue Atmane a warning for unsportsmanlike conduct but no further penalty.Ofner, who eventually won the match in a thrilling five-set comeback, expressed surprise at the decision. "For me, it was a bit surprising, because if you do something like that on a small court, you have to be punished," he said. "It was full power. The ball was so fast. Straight in the crowd. There were people disqualified for less."Ofner cited the example of Miyu Kato, who was forced to forfeit a match at Roland Garros last year after accidentally hitting a ball girl in the neck. He also mentioned Mirra Andreeva, who received a warning for hitting a ball into the stands at the same tournament.The French Tennis Federation (FFT) declined to comment on the incident until Monday. However, the decision to allow Atmane to continue playing without further penalty has raised questions about the consistency of officiating at Roland Garros.
Andrey Rublev Defaults from Dubai Tennis Championships Amidst Controversy
Andrey Rublev's controversial default from the Dubai Tennis Championships has sparked a heated debate about sportsmanship and fair play. The Russian star was accused of using an obscenity in his native tongue while screaming at a line judge during his semifinal match against Alexander Bublik.Despite Rublev's denial and insistence that he spoke in English, the chair umpire defaulted him based on the accusation of a Russian-speaking official. Bublik, who had come back from a set down to lead 6-7(4) 7-6(5) 6-5, was left bewildered and expressed his willingness to continue the match.Rublev has since apologized for his behavior, acknowledging that it was unacceptable to raise his voice at an official. However, he also expressed frustration over being accused of using words he did not say. "I was being accused of things I didn't do. Of the words that I didn't say," he said.The ATP initially stripped Rublev of his Dubai ranking points and prize money, but after a successful appeal, he was allowed to keep both. However, he was fined $36,400 for his actions.The incident has raised questions about the fairness of the default rule and the need for clear communication between players and officials. Rublev's case highlights the importance of respecting the authority of umpires while also ensuring that players are treated fairly.
Rublev Defaults in Dubai Semifinal After Line Judge Confrontation
Andrey Rublev Defaults in Dubai Semifinal After Confrontation with Line JudgeAndrey Rublev's Dubai Championships campaign came to an abrupt end on Friday when he was defaulted from his semifinal match against Alexander Bublik for unsportsmanlike conduct. The incident occurred in the deciding set with Bublik leading 6-5.Rublev, the second seed and world No. 5, erupted after Bublik won a point. He immediately pointed to the baseline, approached the line judge, and shouted in his face. ATP supervisor Roland Herfel intervened, accompanied by a Russian speaker who claimed Rublev had sworn in his native language.Rublev denied the accusation, insisting he had spoken in English. However, umpire Miriam Bley defaulted him for unsportsmanlike conduct. Bublik, the seventh seed, expressed his willingness to continue the match but ultimately won by default, 6-7 (4), 7-6 (5), 6-5.The incident overshadowed a thrilling encounter that had seen both players display their exceptional skills. Rublev had won the first set in a tiebreaker, while Bublik had fought back to take the second set. The third set was evenly poised until Rublev's outburst.Rublev's default marked a disappointing end to his Dubai campaign. He had won the tournament in 2022 but lost to Daniil Medvedev in last year's final. Bublik, on the other hand, advanced to the final, where he will face the winner of the other semifinal between Medvedev and Ugo Humbert.The big-serving Bublik is seeking his fifth singles title of his career. He recently won the Open Sud de France in Montpellier. His victory over Rublev will give him confidence as he aims to add another trophy to his collection.