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Yonex Ad-Accel: The Ultimate Tennis Shoe for Speed and Responsiveness
Yonex's Ad-Accel tennis shoes are a game-changer for players seeking speed, responsiveness, and comfort on the court. With a unique Accel-Booster carbon plate in the mid-foot, these shoes enhance changes of direction and provide exceptional stability. The Power Cushion+ midsole absorbs shock and propels you into the next step, while the Durable Skin upper offers a supportive yet flexible fit.The Ad-Accel's lightweight design (11.8 oz. for men, 11.1 oz. for women) and streamlined silhouette make it feel like an extension of your foot. The upper features strategic cutouts for breathability, while plastic reinforcements provide durability in high-wear areas. The higher heel tab adds cushioning and stability, ensuring a comfortable ride throughout your match.The outsole's split pattern with herringbone tread on the medial side and thicker tread on the lateral side provides optimal traction for both lateral movements and quick adjustments. The rounded edges promote smooth transitions, while the absence of a lateral flange allows for efficient footwork.While the Ad-Accel's length may require some players to size down for a snug fit, the lacing system with an extra runner's eyelet ensures a secure lockdown. The shoe's overall softness may compromise stability for some, but confident movers will appreciate its responsiveness. The grippy outsole can be a drawback on stickier surfaces, limiting the ability to execute hard-court slides.Overall, the Yonex Ad-Accel is an excellent choice for players seeking a lightweight, responsive, and comfortable tennis shoe. Its unique features and attention to detail make it a top contender in the performance shoe category.
Yonex VCORE Unveils Sand Beige Colorway, Embracing Subtle Power
Yonex VCORE Unveils Sand Beige Colorway, Embracing a Subtle PowerYonex, renowned for its iconic scarlet-hued VCORE racquets, has introduced a captivating new colorway: Sand Beige. This unique design departs from the traditional fiery red, exuding a quiet yet potent energy.The Sand Beige VCORE line encompasses seven models, including the VCORE 95, 98, and 100. While the aesthetics may differ, these racquets boast the same exceptional specs and technologies as their standard counterparts.Olympic silver medalist Donna Vekic has already showcased the Sand Beige colorway at the US Open, while fellow VCORE endorsers Elena Rybakina and Tommy Paul are expected to follow suit.The VCORE, now in its seventh generation, is Yonex's flagship spin franchise. It caters to aggressive players who seek to impart maximum spin and power on the ball. This latest iteration features several enhancements to amplify these traits.The frame's tip has been subtly thinned to enhance swing speed. The head has been widened at the 2 and 10 o'clock positions, expanding the sweet spot in the upper hoop and optimizing main string spacing.Furthermore, the incorporation of silicone-infused grommets facilitates faster string snapback, resulting in increased string movement. This combination of features allows the frame to accelerate effortlessly and generate an extra gear of spin and power when desired.For players who have always admired the VCORE's performance but found the traditional red coloring unappealing, the Sand Beige model presents an alluring alternative. It is now available at, TENNIS Shop powered by Tennis-Point, and other tennis specialty retailers.
Yonex EZONE 98 Aqua Night Black: Versatility and Performance for All-Court Dominance
Yonex EZONE 98 Aqua Night Black: A Versatile Racquet for All-Court DominanceThe latest iteration of the Yonex EZONE 98 racquet, adorned in a striking Aqua Night Black cosmetic, continues to impress with its exceptional versatility and user-friendliness. This seventh-generation frame seamlessly bridges the gap between tweener and player's categories, catering to a wide range of players.On the court, the EZONE 98 excels from the backcourt, where its quick handling and effortless power allow for precise and powerful shots. Its firm yet comfortable feel provides ample feedback, ensuring control even during shorter swings. Whether in offensive, neutral, or defensive positions, this racquet encourages aggressive play and allows players to make a lasting impression.On Court Apparel: Performance and Style in HarmonyComplementing the EZONE 98 racquet is the On Court-T and Court Shorts, worn by rising star Ben Shelton. The Court-T features a lightweight material that moves effortlessly with the player, while its regular fit and simple design minimize distractions. However, the bold graphics, particularly in the limited-edition White/Flame colorway, ensure that players stand out on the court.The Court Shorts are equally impressive, constructed with recycled polyester for sustainability and comfort. An adjustable drawstring and 5-inch inseam provide a customized fit and ease of movement. Deep side pockets with mesh lining enhance ventilation, keeping players cool during intense matches.On The Roger Pro 2: Innovation and Durability for Tennis ExcellenceSwiss brand On, known for its running shoes, has made a successful foray into the tennis market with the On The Roger Pro 2. This second edition retains the wider cut and lower arch profile of the original, mirroring Roger Federer's foot shape. The carbon fiber Speedboard in the midsole ensures stability and energy return, propelling players forward with every step.To address durability concerns, the upper mesh has been updated with lighter, more abrasion-resistant material. The top cap has been reinforced to protect against foot dragging, while a TPU clip and upper overlays provide additional structure and support. The outsole has also been redesigned with an open herringbone pattern, offering an optimal balance of grip and give. A clay court version with a tighter tread is available for enhanced sliding on dirt surfaces.
Elena Rybakina's Custom Yonex Dress Sparks Speculation and Press Conference Tension
Elena Rybakina, the No. 4 seed at Roland Garros, made a stylish statement on Tuesday with her new cream-colored Yonex dress. The unique outfit, featuring olive contrasts and burnt orange details, set her apart from her Team Yonex teammates, who have been wearing the brand's 2024 Paris Collection in orange and olive.Rybakina's on-court look sparked speculation that it could be a custom fit, as it wasn't featured in Yonex's pre-tournament promotions and is not available online. However, when asked about the dress in a press conference, Rybakina initially seemed annoyed before shutting down the line of questioning."These colors? These colors I didn't choose," she replied. "It was the brand who chose for me, so some other questions?"Despite her reluctance to discuss her outfit, Rybakina's performance on the court was impressive. She fired 36 winners and dropped serve only once in a 6-2, 6-3 victory over Greet Minnen.As Yonex's highest-ranked head-to-toe athlete, Rybakina's unique kit could be a sign of her growing marketability. However, the lack of promotion from Yonex and Rybakina's own disinterest in discussing it has created a sense of confusion and speculation.Rybakina's press conference also raised questions about players' press obligations. When asked about a range of topics, including the conditions, her rivalry with Aryna Sabalenka, and the upcoming Olympic Games, Rybakina kept her answers short and declined to elaborate.Her tense interaction with the press sparked a debate on social media about the balance between players' obligations to the media and the media's responsibility to keep things interesting for them.Despite the controversy surrounding her press conference, Rybakina remains focused on her progress in Paris. She will face Arantxa Rus in the second round on Thursday.
Andy Murray Makes Notable Equipment Change Ahead of Roland Garros Farewell
Andy Murray, the former world No. 1, is leaving no stone unturned in his quest to regain his peak form. The 37-year-old has recently made a significant equipment change, switching from his long-time HEAD racquet to a Yonex frame. Murray's team has confirmed that he will test the new setup in match play at the ATP Challenger event in Bordeaux.Murray's decision to experiment with a new racquet comes after a promising recovery from an ankle injury that sidelined him since March's Miami Open. The three-time major winner has accepted wild cards into Bordeaux and next week's Geneva Open, with the intention of using these tournaments as preparation for his expected Roland Garros farewell.In 2023, Murray triumphed on French soil at the Challenger level, defeating Tommy Paul for the Aix-En-Provence crown. However, he opted to skip the Paris major to focus on preparing for the grass-court swing.At the BNP Paribas Primrose opener in Bordeaux, Murray is seeded seventh and will face a qualifier in his first match. Home favorite Arthur Fils is the top seed.Murray's equipment change is a testament to his unwavering determination to improve his game. The switch to Yonex could potentially provide him with an edge as he aims to make a strong return to the ATP Tour.